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5th Grade Rocks!

When I went into the reading coordinators office yesterday to discuss my current (third) quarter’s reading class with her, she thought I was there to complain. I wasn’t.  I only needed more supplies, but she greeted me with, “Listen, I know we always give you the low kids, and we always give you too many of them, but you move your kids. You’re the best chance they have to reach grade level.” I suppose she says that to everybody she thinks is about to complain, but I am going to take the praise anyway — especially since she backed it up with testing results.

At the beginning of last (second) quarter I was given twenty-four 5th grade readers who were reading on a 3rd grade level. Fourteen of those children just tested at grade level– not bad for just 45 days worth of work.

Fifth grade as a whole started the year with less than 33% of our students reading at grade level. We are now approaching 60%, with the better part of another semester to go before the big, ugly, NCLB benchmark test — in our case the CRT.

[Excuse me, State of Nevada, your teachers need a raise …]

Quilly is the pseudonym of Charlene L. Amsden, who lives on The Big Island in Hawaii. When she is not hanging out with Amoeba, she is likely teaching or sewing. Or she could be cooking, taking photographs, or even writing. But if she's not doing any of that, she's probably on Facebook or tinkering with her blog.


  1. Louder, Brig, I don’t think they’re listening!

    Bazza — Pft! Yes, I would love more pay …

    Brian — thank you, it sure comes sparingly.

  2. Sorry, Jill, she’s coming to Maine … 🙂

    Teachers need raises, full stop. We the People need to recognize what we’re asking them to do. They need to be compensated for this. And they need to be respected for this … and supported in what they do, in more than money.

    Too often, though, that “support” comes in the form of a whip, and a stake with a nice roaring fire at its base. Keeps ’em warm in the winter, I suppose.

  3. Jill — teach a child to read, and s/he can teach her/himself anything else s/he wants to learn. Reading is knowledge, and knowledge is power. As to Texas, I was thinking of some place a bit further east — and north.

    OC — you have tempted me with all the joys of Maine often enough: snow storms, ice storms, mud, bugs, fog — it’s amazing that I am not there already. Pft. Of course, weighing in heavily on the plus side, there’s an ocean, green trees, and a certain scientist. :X

    Respect and a raise would be nice for all teachers nation-wide. Since children are our true investment in the future, those who nurture said children really should have more value.

  4. Couldn’t agree more with that last statement of yours QD: ‘children are our true investment in the future’

  5. Start a petition for that raise…we’ll all sign! You are a great teacher; I know that just from the things you post. You love your students (most of the time) and really enjoy the thrill and accomplishment of bringing them self confidence. Congratulations! Don’t forget to send me that check for the glowing

  6. DaBich — yep. I feel pretty dang proud of myself and our 5th grade team — and for the lower grade teachers before us, who sent us students with productive learning skills.

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