It’s Magic!
You know, I love this island. I’ve been here almost a month — my car has been here almost a month — I drive it almost every day, and I have never once put gas in it. When I bring it home and park it, the gage often indicates that it is low on gas, but the next time I sit in the driver’s seat a miracle has occurred and the tank is full! If this is the norm for everybody, I wonder why there are so many gas stations?
Mm! Just one more reason I NEED to come to Hawaii I guess! Magical gas tanks… whoda thunk it?
(that man treats you entirely … like you’re worth it!)
Hmmm. What a mystery. This has happened to me on rare occasions, and for some reason, it’s always after my husband runs to the store. But if I loan my car to my mom or sister, it doesn’t work. So if the same holds true for you, it is probably right after OC drove it. Right? If so, it’s simple to figure out. The ONLY reasonable conclusion is that oil seeps out of the ground, converts itself to gasoline, and pumps itself into your gas tank after men borrow and park a car.
(Forget science card violation. I think I just lost all rights to science after that one.)
Do you have one of those new hybrid cars?
Melli — he’s definitely a keeper.
Brig — but you just earned two endorsements on your comedy card. You made us laugh.
Nessa — yep. Hybrid. Half mine and half OC’s. The empty half is OC’s.
miracles DO happen, then!
and your man is a living proof 🙂
Your move to Hawaii has been positive for you and now unlimited gas, you are truly blessed. I only thought Guardian Angels were someone we didn’t know in Heaven.
Wow a magic gas tank. Life is looking up. You woin the drawing again today. I read it twice to b e sure. I told Betty that the Quills must be sticking in her fingers. Come and make your choice.
Well you won not woin the drawing I was distracted by the dog or I can’t spell.
Polona — I certainly think so — and I thank God for him everyday.
Bill — I am sure the gas has a limit, and if I weren’t expending it job hunting I’d probably be told what it is ….
Dr. John –is it because I always comment last and my name is on top of the pile? You need to stir those things up a bit! To win twice is a row is simply unBEARable — but you can send me that cute little bear statue anyway! Thanks!
Perhaps OC will give lessons.
Sigh, indeed. Can you say “spit valve?”
Oooops. I was talking about OC’s trumpet post. But this gas thing is very nice. My Exploder is a guzzler and I have a 36.4 mile round trip each and every day to work. You are a ducky luck.
I suspect a leprechaun.
Oh my! I didn’t know all this was here!
Kat — OC teaches by example.
Gawpo — on this blog the links are at the bottom of the post. On my other blog they’re at the top. I do that to keep folks paying attention — well, most folks.
And I think I have another gas story for you …..
Doug — my leprechaun doesn’t have a pot of gold, he has a heart of gold — and I’m happy with that.
I suspect you have a gas genie filling your tank when you aren’t looking.
Nea — I saw the genie fill the car last night. He’s human, but it’s still magical!
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