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Melli’s Alphabet Photo Challenge

Melli, our hostess with the mostest, presents:


Week Six: K & L

Thom stood right in our driveway and agreed this was a “K” — after OC told him to!

“L” of course.  What else could it be?

See.  L.  Of course!

If you thought this was fun, you should go by Melli’s place and click on the links to see what the others are doing.  You’re also welcome to join right in.  Grab your camera and start hunting the next two letters.


  1. YAY! You’re back up! I was missing you — and even tried to send you an email and it came BACK to me saying your email wasn’t working either!!! Sheeesh! I was feeling de-Quilly’d! NOT a good feeling at all!!!

    I believe that K was a little bit of a stretch — but NOT a huuuuuuge stretch! I’m pretty sure my kids made Ks that resembled that one when they were learning how to write! I think it works!

    The L is for definite! OF COURSE it’s an L! It really wouldn’t know how to be any other letter!

  2. Melli says your K is stretching a little – I think he’s arm is just tired and he can’t quite hold it up. 🙂
    I huge giant L!

    Come back and look again at mine. I think you must have been tired They were colored in purple for you.

  3. Can you stand it? I see both this week first time outta the gate. LOL Great finds, but as I told Melli…I think this weeks letters were well rather easy to find…

  4. well, the K looks a bit like what i would write at age 5. i suspect you would find a ew in that krane, too.
    and i see a number of large Ls in the second pic as well

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