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  1. Hopefully you won’t read this for at least a couple of days. It’s good to have a break every now and then, and of all the bloggers I go to, you deserve a break the most.

  2. It is always important to take a break so you avoid the breakdowns. Relax. Enjoy. See you later, with bells on, I am sure.

  3. by all means, take as much time as you need.
    we may miss you (i know i will) but will survive and be there whenever you’re back.

    and monday is only a good day away…

  4. Take the time and recharge your batteries. We will still be here when you post again.
    And if you are not ready for Monday, then that;s fine. Just rest. (((hugs)))

  5. You are precious cargo, treat you well. I love you, if there is any way I can ease your stress let me know. XOOXOXOOX

  6. You could take a whole month off and we wouldn’t really mind as long as it was for your health and sanity. We’re still over a month behind on our blog, but I don’t think anyone really cares!

  7. Thanks everybody! I caught up on my sleep, visited with some RL people, cooked a big pot of chili, cleaned my house and got my new computer up!

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