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April 18th — A Poem A Day

Brunch Munch

She said, “It’s way past breakfast, but not yet lunch.
Would you like to eat some brunch?”

He said, “Food sounds good.
Yes, I would.”

She said, “Bacon, onion, bell pepper and cheese.
Would an omlet your tummy please?”

He said, “Food sounds good.
Yes, it would.”

She said, “Are you sure?
Can your tummy that meal endure?”

He said, “That sounds good.
I think it should.”

She said, “The cheese is Swiss.
Would you take that amiss?”

He said, “I should hope
That I can cope.”


Poetic Asides, Day 18
Prompt: write a poem about an interaction of sorts


  1. How long do you have to write these poems everyday? I’d be worn out with them by now.

    Thanks for coming by and liking the pansies. They have been so beautiful all winter and are still looking nice. When it warms up they will die, but I love them so for some color in the winter and I just think they are pretty.

    amberstar’s last blog post..Something Purple

  2. All — I promised to write a poem every day for National Poetry Month. I didn’t promise to write a GOOD poem every day!

    Juliana — the conversation was mostly real.

    Cherie — well, I had to write something and nothing came to mind!

    Dr. John — in this case, that something seems to be readers!

    Amber — National Poetry MONTH is a month long. The pledge is to write 30 poems in 30 days. We are given a daily prompt. I’m sorry you and Thom aren’t enjoying yourselves.

    Melli — you are really something. I don’t quite know what, but something!

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