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  1. Cherie — nope. I tapped him in the rear with my foot. He was quite surprised. (I didn’t tap him very hard. Mostly he was surprised by my speed and agility.)

    Bill — it wasn’t supposed to be nice. It was supposed to be funny. The 2×4 is for rearranging attitudes. Usually one doesn’t have to use the thing, they just have to show it.

    Betty — so do I. So do I!

    Jientje — Rudolf is about red, not Christmas. What else gave you that impression?

    1. That would be your comment on yesterdays post, where you asked me who the hell “he” is, her father … lover … or Santa Claus?
      Oh and um … a little bird told me ( well yeah, I know I’ll have to reconsider that at some point, … okay, a LOUD bird told me 😉 it’s your BIRTHDAY today !!! Woohoo!!
      Happy birthday Quilly!! I hope you’ll have a WONDERFUL birthday!! Hugs and kisses!! xxxx

      Jientje’s last blog post..Fave Five, Life can be Beautiful …

  2. Amoeba — you boggled my mind with your comment and I was so dwelling on my broken heart that I momentarily forgot how to spell. (That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.)


        1. Careful Thom ~ Quillster is in one of her moods, and with you the 2×4 could do more damage than to me, I can’t see Quilly spending the money for a flight to Calgary.

          Just be careful she don’t take the Nickname “Buford Pusser” 🙂

          Bill’s last blog post..Twenty Years Today

  3. And did I miss something with the 2X4? Bill left a comment about it on my blog…I’m lost which is nothing new and different…oooo let’s see add another count to my comment totals YAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thom’s last blog post..Friday’s Fave Five #34

        1. Thom ~ Buford is watching this. Look up I replied to the wrong Thread, can we say Oops. So as you don’t have to search for things, here is the original comment/reply/rebuttal, etc.

          “Careful Thom ~ Quillster is in one of her moods, and with you the 2×4 could do more damage than to me, I can’t see Quilly spending the money for a flight to Calgary.

          Just be careful she don’t take the Nickname “Buford Pusser”


          Bill’s last blog post..Twenty Years Today

  4. Happy birthday Quilly. So, he’s off to find you flowers (hypoallergenic), and it sounds like you’ve already got the clown and petting zoo ready for the party. I guess all you have left to do is a cake??

    Lisa’s last blog post..Hearts and Lace

  5. clowns freak me out so i’d rather have rudolf over bozo . but it’s your birthday so the choice is yours, i reckon. a clear nose would be perfect, i guess 😉

    juliana’s last blog post..

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