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  1. Oh Quilly was mean to the poor liitle Nat
    He was spreading good cheer for her to hear
    Not hearing a word she killed the poor gnat
    Sending him into space and that was that.

  2. Bill — read the entire post. There are a couple of sentences below the poem.

    Thom — I heard Nat nattering. He said since you didn’t want apple pie and ice cream he’d come for your share. Then he wanted to know why, when he dived into my plate, it was full of pasta and Alfredo sauce? He said, “Where the hell’s my ice cream?” and I iced him.

    Church Lady — sometimes my mind is a scary place.

      1. No. Monk is here.

        And I’ve never found it necessary to hit when issuing reprimands. I may make an exception though. Where did that 2×4 go?

  3. Quilly’s 2×4 is out the door
    And Columbo is searcing her floor
    The Nat heard wrong, it was all a hoax
    Cuz tjhe pie and ice cream weren’t a joke
    How did the gnat want the ice cream
    when Quilly let out a huge scream
    As you see this mean old bat
    killed that poor old harmless gnat
    way before it was his time he was in the sauce
    as Quilly let him know who was the boss

    Thom’s last blog post..What Hairstyle Are You?

    1. Thom, I’ll have you know I was quite quiet and dignified while carrying out the murder. I held up my fork and said to Amoeba, “Look, hon. I just fished a gnat out of my Alfredo Sauce.” The I took my napkin and used it to ridf my fork — and the entire world — of Nat the Gnat.

          1. I said it once and I’ll say it again, Ricky and Lucy Ricardo, with Lucy having an alter ego that likes to kill and have this hidden desire to be “Buford Pusser” and clean up Hawaii of all Nat’s and kin.

            Hey Thom Maybe Quillster had an idea what the Male Version of a Bus Wench could be called.


            Bill’s last blog post.."There’s A Shell Station On Every Corner"

          2. Great now I am going to have a “Huge Search” in front of me the way Thom makes about 500 posts a day.

            Thanks Quilly

    1. Barbara — the story you have just read is true. The names were not changed to protect the innocent. (There were no innocents.)

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