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Thom Tagged Me!

Thom, of Thom’s Place 4 Well Whatever…, has tagged me.  This is what he said:

Your Mission, should you choose to accept it:

1) Go to your photo files…Select the 6th photo folder
2) Select the 6th photo in that folder
3) Post that photo along with the story behind it.
4) Then challenge 6 blog friends to do the same!

Here’s my 6th photo in my 6th file in my photo album:

Look familiar?  It is from a series of shots I took two years ago when we first arrived in Hawaii.  Those of you who were with me then will recall my blog header was sand and sea and my feet.  A smaller version of it can still be found in my left sidebar.  I have tried to retire it three times now, and every time have been met with a chorus of dismay, so I guess it is up to stay.

As to challenging 6 others — I’m going to go ahead and call out 6 names, but you may feel free to ignore the call if you so choose.

1.  Carletta — Round the Bend
2.  Barbara — Barb’s Stray Thoughts
3.  My Wonderful Niece — Brooke’s Musings
4.  Our Secret Friend — Thumbelina
5.  The Castle of  Sense & Nonsense — Dr. John’s Fortress
6.  Alice — I Was Born 2 Cree8


        1. When I WANT to — which is usually when I am certain it ISN’T actually what’s wanted. I have to tell you I laughed in glee when I realized what folder I’d been directed to. I knew just how you’d react.

  1. I DO remember it! I LIKE it! Feet in the water is right where they belong! It’s where mine WISH they were! But … I have an appointment at the castle today! Have a GREAT day Quilly, dear!

    Melli’s last blog post..Ruby Tuesday… and stuff…

  2. Isn’t it odd that that photo was in the sixth folder and was the sixth picture. I’ve always liked it…that was your header when I first started blogging.

    amberstar’s last blog post..Underwater Cat

    1. Amber, this isn’t the EXACT photo from my header. The exact one — albeit with the long stretch of sand clipped off either side — is in my top left sidebar right now.

  3. Love it. Poetic justice that being the photo in that folder.
    Thanks for asking. I’d love to play along. It is one of my fave memes I have seen knocking about.
    I did a photo of the feet in the sand and water thing last week. I thought of you then.
    I also like the photo you had for your header and I’m glad you keep it in your sidebar.

    Thumbelina’s last blog post..Day One

  4. I miss living near the water! I grew up on the coast of southeast TX.

    I thought I had done this one, but when I looked it up, it was the 5th photo of the fifth folder. So I’ll do this one…one of these days. 🙂

    Barbara H.’s last blog post..Hodgepodge

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