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We’re Back!

We have returned to Friday Harbor cold and wet and worn.  It rained on us the whole time we were gone!  After 2 nights in soggy tents, it was decided that the third night would not be a charm, so we have returned to the land of the warm and dry.  Pictures of our Vancouver camping trip to follow.


    1. Thom — I am warm and dry now, thank you! The laundry is in the washer, I am unpacking, and slowly visiting blogs.

    1. Jientje –Slow down and read the post! [shakes head] The first sentence tells you were we are. You know, people that just careen full speed ahead without looking around, end up falling in canals (or off curbs). 😉

      1. You’re in Friday Harbour, that’s what I meant! End up falling in canals, don’t you laugh at me, YOU 😉 ruined your camera first!

        About WLW, I think I read somewhere you can’t use it on a Mac, that’s right. Mozilla is no problem, I’m on Mozilla and it works perfect!

  1. I’ve only visited Vancouver once and it rained constantly! (I loved the city though). A Canadian said to me ‘The only good thing about rain is that you don’t have to shovel it.’ Maybe that’s a common saying but it was new to me and it made me laugh.

    1. Brenda — this was my second visit to Vancouver. The first time it was warm and sunny and wonderful. This time, not so much.

    1. CL — I didn’t get any of the tidepool photos I wanted, because I wouldn’t take my camera out in the downpour.

  2. Bbbrrr……I’m getting cold just thinking about it….
    Looking forward to the pics though 😀

    Nicole’s last blog post..I saw

      1. This reminds me so much of a hiking tour we did to Norway (with an Ex of mine).
        In winter.
        4 days.
        -14 Celsius
        Snowstorm on the second day.
        Back to the camping grounds on the third.
        BBBrrr…….. 🙂
        .-= Nicole´s last blog ..Waiting for the show =-.

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