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2009 — Seaweed Camp

As you can see, the camp looked much the same as it did two years ago.

Seaweed Camp, from a distance
Seaweed Camp, from a distance
Our Own Tent City
Our Own Tent City
The "Kitchen"

British Columbia is one of the most beautiful, green places I have ever been. To get that beautiful and green takes a lot of rain — and we were there for it!

Low Rain Clouds hang over the ocean and the mountains on the other side of the inlet.
A Seagull Flies Through the Clouds
Even the Canadian Geese are Cold. They stand here on one leg, conserving body heat.

Two years ago, the waders and rain gear were dried by spreading them on pieces of driftwood in the sun. This year, wet gear was suspended from the cooking awning, but dry was just a dream.

Dreaming of Dry
Dreaming of Dry

The fire struggled against the wet with little success.

If Not Watched Constantly, It Would Dwindle & Die
If Not Watched Constantly, It Would Dwindle & Die

Still, a little rain doesn’t stop our intrepid scientist:

Here he is studying a Sand Spider
And here he is studing a Botany Book beneath the kitchen awning.
And here he sits beneath the kitchen awning studying a Botany Book.

Mostly it was too wet for me to do any trail hiking or tide pool visiting. I did not have rain gear and my clothes soaked through quickly; which left me with no way to retain my body heat, so I much preferred staying dry. However, there were lulls in the rain and I did get to snap a few treasures.

A Dried Barnacle Husk, washed up on the beach.
A Dried Barnacle Husk, washed up on the beach.
A Tangle of Seaweed & Hawthorne Berries on the Shore.
A Tangle of Driftwood, Seaweed & Hawthorne Berries on the Shore.
Evidence of a Storm Past
Evidence of a Storm Past
Fire Weed
A Shell Full of Sand & Sea
Nature's Sculpture

And this post is more than too long, so we will save the most amazing moment of all for tomorrow’s post.


  1. Glad you had a nice time even though it was wet and cold. Thank you for sharing the pictures. Maybe the Canadian Geese are doing their Bette Davis (What a Dump) impersonation. Did you see any smoldering cigarettes?

    A wonderful day is wished for you.

    BIll’s last blog post..Not Much Difference

  2. Boy those are some awesome pictures. I love the seagull one and the dried barnacle husk. It’s just amazing. Even with the rain it looks beautiful. OC sure does look deep in thought…and to think a sand spider LOL Guess that’s why he’s a scientist and I’m not. I would look at that and say hmmmph LOL
    .-= Thom´s last blog ..Friday Fill-Ins – #132 =-.

    1. Amoeba likes the seagull one the best. At least, when he looked at all my shots, that’s the only one he paused over or commented on. As to the sand spider — they were hopping all over the place, and he was wondering why, so he got down to see — and they were chasing, catching and munching tiny little fly-like things.

    1. Barbara — thank you. I take these pics of things I like, and wonder if others think I am nuts. I have learned that, yes, some do!

  3. Those photos are amazing; the barnacle and the driftwood are spectacular. For rain and cold it sounds like home… which we’re NOT missing yet at all, but enjoying our sunburns!!

    I’m looking forward to seeing more—-
    .-= Susan at Stony River´s last blog ..Road Trip =-.

  4. So at LEAST the barnacle husk was dry!!! 🙂

    I LOVE that seagull picture! Actually, the gull is great – but the clouds are almost better – you can practically SEE the mist floating by…

    The pics are great – but this is ONE time I can honestly say I’m glad I wasn’t with you! lol!
    .-= Melli´s last blog ..Quick, Quick! =-.

    1. Melli — NOTHING was dry. Trust me on this! The clouds rolled right on over us at one point and the whole world was wet and white.

      1. Wait a minute … let me go up above and QUOTE you on this…

        “A Dried Barnacle Husk, washed up on the beach.” Yep… It MUST have been dry!

        Things got WHITE??? Ew!
        .-= Melli´s last blog ..Quick, Quick! =-.

  5. “Yes, we camp!” (sentence from the news 😉 )
    Sorry about the rain. But the pictures are fantastic, what a wonderful place!!
    Love the Barnacle Husk, I love it when you call things by their first name!
    .-= Mar´s last blog ..I want to ride my bicycle =-.

  6. Your pictures give me the feeling of being home ! Cold, wet, rainy but a beautiful landscape, lol ! The tents look like colored turtels !
    .-= Gattina´s last blog .. =-.

  7. That seagull shot is awesome. I especially like the “Evidence of a Storm Past” too. The unbelievable power. Wow! I can’t imagine what surprise you have for us tomorrow. Another cliff hanger. 😉

    1. Cherie — the huge trees washed up on the beach are breathtaking when you think about the power it would take to move them.

  8. Amazing, despite the rain.
    But I know how nasty that can get, especially with no real rain gear.
    I love the bird shots and the wood.
    The portrait of the girl and your scientist are great too.
    It’s always good to get out and about, no? 🙂
    .-= Nicole´s last blog ..Waiting for the show =-.

  9. Lovely, lovely, lovely. I appreciate your ‘live life abundantly’ perspective. Thanks for sharing.

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