Another Random Dozen

Lidna over at 2nd Cup of Coffee has come up with 12 more questions. I just love her memes. They make me think!
1. Please share one middle school memory. It can be good, bad, ugly, funny. Pictures or words, I don’t care, just share.
When I was a kid, Middle School was 7th & 8th grade and called Junior High. I spent most of my 6th grade year looking forward to it. Junior high equaled “grown up.”
On the first day of school I emerged from my room in a skirt and blouse — no more jumpers. I was wearing pantyhose for the very first time. I had on high heels (2 inches). I wore perfume and mascara. My hair was styled and hair sprayed to within an inch of its life. And my throat was adorned with my mother’s pearls.
I was a lady — and very excited to prove it. That’s why I shot off the bus at 100 miles and hour and charged into the school to find my best friend. I had no idea that the patent leather soles on my shoes would be incompatible with the high gloss hardwood floors. I shot up the cement steps, burst through the double doors and slid right past my best friend. I made a grab for the banister, missed it and ended up at the bottom of the staircase. One shoe remained on the steps. My nylons were shredded, my hair was a mess and my illusionary maturity lay in tatters around me.
2. What’s your favorite Beatles song?
Yellow Submarine
3. If I asked you to describe your most comfortable outfit, what would it be?
Currently, it’s a rag. It used to be a sun dress, but I no longer wear it beyond my own house. I have already told myself it stays in Hawaii when we move, but I will miss it.
4. Would you rather host a party or be a guest?
5. Do you think we will move completely from traditional books to digital ones, and if we do, are you OK with that?
If digital readers come down to a price I can afford, I guess I am okay with digital books — except, you did just hear about the recent upset with Amazon when corporate issued an order to purge a certain book so it was removed from customer accounts despite their having paid for it. If there are no hard copies of books, revisionist history will stay revised because any non-compliant sources can be removed at the flip of a switch.
6. Do you learn best by reading, listening or experiencing?
I am a global learner. I can learn from any method, however, I learn fastest if I can read and see, so written directions with pictures, a video or hands on instruction are my preferred learning methods.
7. If you are (or when you were) single, what is the kiss of death for you concerning the opposite sex? (That is, what is one trait or behavior or habit or anything at all that immediately turns you off from considering that person a potential match for you?)
Alcohol — my first husband was an alcoholic. For the next 12 years anyone who suggested a date that revolved around alcohol ended up taking someone besides me. Then I met my beloved Amoeba. On special occasions we may have a glass of wine with dinner, but for the most part neither of us is all that interested in drinking.
8. Snacks. Salty or sweet?
Yes. Sometimes salty. Sometimes sweet. It depends on my mood and the temperature of the day. On hot, sweaty days I crave salt.
9. Look around you in a four foot radius. What object is around you that you didn’t realize was there or forgot was there? How long has it been there?
There is a pot holder on my desk. I think it has probably been there since I made the chocolate cake for church on the 6th. I’ve been looking for it! It would still be hiding under the calendar had you not asked me this question.
10. What is your favorite Tom Cruise movie?
Far & Away.
11. You buy a bottle of shampoo and discover that you don’t like what it does to your hair at all. What do you do with that full bottle?
There’s a good chance, if it is still clean and neat, that I will take it to church for the homeless ministry.
12. Your favorite Fall comfort food? (Last week it was beverage.)
Homemade noodles in chicken soup!
Good answers.. What if they aren’t homemade noodles then what? I like to be the host myself.
.-= Thom´s last blog ..Are You North, South, East, or West?, Rice Art in the fields of Japan, Jack’s Cat and a couple of Jokes =-.
Thom — why wouldn’t they be homemade noodles? When I make chicken soup, I make homemade noodles.
Good grief. You’re as wholesome as laundered money!
.-= Doug´s last blog ..Pedestrian =-.
Doug — don’t forget my penchant for sarcasm. It adds an interesting patina to my character.
Enjoyed your answers. But #2 drives me nuts and now it will probably be on my mind all day. Thanks a lot. Not!
.-= Mocha with Linda´s last blog ..Hot Off the Press! =-.
Linda — LOL! Many, many Beatles songs thrill me. When I came to this question I thought, “Which is my favorite?” and this one started playing in my head. I don’t know for certain that it is my favorite, but it is often the first one to come to mind!
I probably won’t do these til tomorrow. But it’s good for me to read them now so as to have time to think about them!! I’ve mostly blocked middle school/junior high from memory.
I don’t know about digital books. I can see they’d be more portable. But I like the experience of a book, curling up on the couch with it. I just don’t think ti would be the same digitally.
.-= Barbara H.´s last blog ..What’s On Your Nightstand: September =-.
Barbara — I prefer real books, too. No batteries, they’re portable, one can read in the tub without fear of electrocution …..
Great answers Quilly! That middle school story was hysterical — though probably horrifying at the time! I did NOT peg you for a Yellow Submarine girl… that probably would have been the LAST song I would have thought for you! LOL! Linda really does ask the best questions, doesn’t she? I love this meme too! Mine will be up tomorrow too.
.-= Melli´s last blog ..Tuesday’s WWC #102 … but MY First! =-.
Melli — I am glad my embarrassment is so entertaining. At least some good came out of it!
Sweet salty snack, try putting M&M’s in your popcorn. YUM!!!
.-= Thena´s last blog ..Fall Is In The Air =-.
Thena — hmmm, I like chocolate covered popcorn, so why not M&Ms?
Loved the answers, Loved the Jr High story, too funny, though at the time I guess it wasn’t too funny for you. Chicken Noodle soup with homemade noodles, now I am hungry.,
Bill — once we move to Friday Harbor, if you ever wander across the border into Washington, I’ll fix chicken soup with homemade noodles for dinner.
It’s a date to come visit and have some Homemade Chicken Soup with homemade Noodles.
My Answers are up
Bill — Amoeba and I will look forward to it.
I’m wearing a sundress that sounds an awful lot like yours at this very moment. Are you leaving Hawaii? Did I miss that?
.-= Robin from Israel´s last blog ..Sculling at dawn =-.
Robin — we are moving to the West Coast. Amoeba has taken a position at UW and we leave Hawaii in January.
QUILLY you are too funny. I remember those days too, but the best one I remember my sister going to school with hair curlers, lol, and they were pink too. It was funny too, because she just got a boy hair cut, and how in the world you put curler on, don’t ask me.
I don’t drink either, my neck drops down after few minutes, lol.
Lastly you said: ‘You buy a bottle of shampoo and discover that you don’t like what it does to your hair at all. What do you do with that full bottle?
There’s a good chance, if it is still clean and neat, that I will take it to church for the homeless ministry.’ – at least you are generous, but you know just in case your toilet get plugged any type of shampoo works like a lubricant for ‘it’ to go down.
Love your post again, Anna 🙂
.-= Anna´s last blog ..Sleeping During Lecture =-.
Anna — I’ll remember that shampoo tip, and if it doesn’t work at least when the toilet over flows it will be soapy water …..
enjoyed knowing more about you!
you are on my google reader and i love reading your blog posts!
.-= shraddha´s last blog ..Face of Psychosis =-.
Shaddra — welcome. I am glad you’ve found something to like here!
My childhood was so dull compared to yours.
Great meme.
.-= Dr. John´s last blog ..Insulted =-.
Dr. John — I seriously doubt that you have a dull bone in your body! Your childhood might have been less calamitous, but I don’t think that necessarily qualifies as dull.
These answers were great! What a middle-school memory; my experience wasn’t much better. And, I just threw away my favourite old green cotton jersey dress last week, I had to finally admit it had one too many holes in it. I cried. I should have had a funeral for it LOL.
These memes are so enjoyable in your hands.
.-= Susan at Stony River´s last blog ..Anyone need some golf clubs? =-.
Susan, thank you. I used to hate memes, but Lidna’s is different. She puts thought and purpose into her questions.
And, I actually have two of these little dresses. They are supposed to be swim suit cover ups, but in this heat them and my underwear are my main “at home” covering. In this heat Amoeba and I are almost always dressed immodestly at home. If the neighbors don’t like it, they can quit looking in our windows!
Very entertaining answers. You know the ironic thing about #5 and Amazon’s decision to pull an electronic book? It was Orwell’s 1984 (and Animal Farm). There’s a message there.
.-= Cherie´s last blog ..Portrait of Words – Lost =-.
I think we all have some or other rag we just LOVE to wear, but would hate to be seen in by the mailman or any other stranger ringing the doorbell eh? Heehee. You can leave it in Hawaii, but you’re going to need another in Friday Harbor, that’s for sure!!!
I loved the school days story, too funny!
.-= Jientje´s last blog ..Ruby Tuesday, Still Life with Quince =-.
Great answers. I LOVE chicken noodle soup!
Great answers. You tell a good story!
Thanks for visiting my blog. I guess I should hate “Michelle” by the Beatles, and maybe I do, but it is the only song of their’s that I could think of last night. 🙂
#5…very interesting. And I loved your description of the first day of Jr. High…I think that’s an age most adults would not want to relive!
.-= joyce´s last blog ..Cheaper by the Dozen =-.
Oh I cringed at your #1. What an experience. It’s a good thing you didn’t break anything.
.-= Susanne´s last blog ..Another Random Dozen with the Lid =-.
#5 …….I had not thought of that, but very true!!!
great answers!
.-= sara bowyer´s last blog ..Random Dozen and WYAW =-.
LOL on the potholder! That’s the kind of thing that happens around here.
My husband has some Facebook friends who were having a fit about the way Amazon uses the ratings system to draw you to certain books. You might not find certain books that don’t have ratings unless you look for them specifically – good luck just browsing on a topic & finding something controversial. At least that’s what they were upset about – I don’t know from personal experience. So your example is really scary – it’s one thing to ban books from school libraries, quite another to ban them from Amazon!
.-= The Bug´s last blog ..Random Dozen Meme =-.
I loved reading these answers. After reading about your first day of Jr. High, I wanted to give you a hug over the computer. And how exciting to find a long lost pot holder!! LOL!! I know exactly how that feels!! enJOY your day!!
I should have answered “yes” to the sweet or salty. Phooey. Loved the story about going to 7th grade. Terrible to have those memories, but kinda funny too…:) What a hard age.
.-= Judy S. @ Just Enough Light´s last blog ..H1N1 Invades the "100 Acre Wood" Causing Paranoria =-.
Your junior high story was quite frightening. Mine is merely funny (and horrifying to the friend I shared it with when she saw it on my blog today).
I saw this particular meme at Melli’s last night and played along. I added one and called it a Thursday 13 (it’s up right now at my place).
.-= kcinnova´s last blog ..T13 =-.
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