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I recently started doing some research into those wonder cures for brown age spots. That was supposed to help me feel better about my aging skin. Instead I read that the thinnest skin on my body is below my eyes, and it is the most susceptible to signs of aging. I’m not terribly vain as a rule. I look in the mirror when I wash my face, brush my teeth or — rarely — put on a bit of make up. Still, considering the change in my arms, I jumped out of my chair, ran into the bathroom and took a really good look at my eyes. They have bags under them so big that I could pack those suckers for an extended trip.

Buying lotion for my arms is one thing, buying a lotion for my eyes is a whole lot different. I’m not going to just pick up any old thing and take the chance of going blind. The direction of my research changed. I started looking at Eye Cream Reviews. The website is a wonderful source of information. They have a glossary of common terms, Eye Cream A-Z, that explains and defines common cosmetic industry terms and ingredients; they have reviews of the top five eyes creams on the market today; and they have a discussion forum where you can talk about your own personal skincare issues and concerns.

There’s a sure bet I’m not going to be getting any younger, but there’s no reason for me to give into the ravages of time just yet. I’m not going to cream those bags and send them packing!


    1. Melli — I am having very little problems with my face, actually. But my right arm is covered in age spots. The concept isn’t really what bothers me — they are just tiny and dark and my arm perpetually looks dirty.

    1. My grandmother was a plain old Ivory Soap girl and she still looked hike she was in her early 50’s when she died at age 77. I think a lot of it is just in our genes.

  1. I am a cream addict…so I have one for the eyes, of course, another for the t-zone and another for the rest of the face/neck. A different body lotion and hand cream is another one… Plus I treat my feet in the summer time, special cream… I have hand cream ready to use in the kitchen and in the bathrooms. And I carry my little tube in my purse. Always!! not that I hope to look younger, I simply dislike the feeling of the skin after having had contact with water!
    .-= Mar´s last blog cross in Trier =-.

  2. I have to admit that I am a huge fan of lotions, creams, makeup, etc. I have been a Mary Kay representative for years. You are right – – there is no cream that is going to stop the aging process. However, it may slow it down. And I’ll take what I can get.
    .-= Church Lady´s last blog ..Whisper Wednesday – The Trees =-.

    1. CL — Mary Kay did have a lotion I liked. It helped keep my hands from drying out, smelled nice and wasn’t heavy or greasy. They did away with it, of course.

  3. I’ve done the BeautiControl and MK thing before, but these days all I use is an SPF 15 Oil of Olay moisturizer all over my face (including my lips) and my skin looks better than it has in 10 years. Except for the growing age spots here and there, of course!
    Mary Kay does still have the Satin Hands lotion, and hands down (pun intended) it is my favorite. Now if only I could remember to use it daily!
    .-= kcinnova´s last blog ..T13 =-.

    1. Karen, for about 30 years I washed my face in Noxzema. Then for about 10 years I used Oil of Olay. I am back to Noxzema again. I like the way it feels.

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