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New Year’s Resolutions

I am not making any New Year’s Resolutions. They almost always fail. The optimism and enthusiasm of facing a new calendar year tends to make us all forget that we are the same people with the same failings we have always had. A resolution won’t change that — only action will.

We can sign up for gyms, start the latest fad diet, drink nectar protein, eat energy bars, and read every self-help book published.  None of it will make any difference if we don’t work to change our thought patterns.  I am hoping that working to improve my self concept will help me improve my waist-line — and a couple of other personality quirks.

Here’s to making changes rather than resolutions in 2010!


  1. The idea is not to MAKE a resolution, but to RESOLVE to make the change. It worked the year I RESOLVED to lose weight. And the year I RESOLVED to get closer to Christ. But thus far, I have not found the RESOLVE to lose weight again. I’m hoping it will come …along with the resolve to make my body feel better again!

  2. very romantic art,
    I love the butterfly and its flipping wings,
    it reminds me of your wild and humorous imaginations.

    cool job!

    happy new year,

  3. I don’t do resolutions either. That is what I was supposed to say, right?
    It isn’t that I wouldn’t keep them, it is just that there isn’t anymore room for improvement in me. Not a perfect guy but perfecly acceptable in all ways.
    Don’t let that discourage you because I can tell you really do need to improve those though patterns of yours. I took care of that in the seventh grade. It certainly is well worth the effort, believe you me.
    .-= Jim´s last blog ..Happy New Year! — Happy Birthday, Mrs. Jim! =-.

  4. Couldn’t agree more. I made a last resolution many years ago which I’ve stuck to – to not make New Year resolutions. As for self help books, I’ve always wondered why we need books for self help.
    .-= Anthony North´s last blog ..XENOPHOBIA =-.

  5. Happy New Year, resolutions or not! I hope all the moving chores are going well this week.

    I enjoyed this post and its message. It did take me a bit too long to realise that my own resolutions worked best when letting go of achievements (lose 20 pounds, or get published in hardcover) and make my resolutions simple changes in my day (exercise 1/2 hour each day, submit my manuscript somewhere). It works!
    .-= Susan at Stony River´s last blog ..Microfiction Monday #12 =-.

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