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Weekend Reflections 01.02.10

James, over at Newton Area Photo
hosts a fun meme called Weekend Reflections.
Grab a camera and play along.
And even if you don’t join us,
be sure to check out James’ dazzling photos.

Reflections in a City Park

city park

This is a pond at the east entrance to Ala Moana Beach Park — which is right beside the marina. Those are buildings and sailboat masts you see reflected in the water above.

reflecting Ala Moana Park

This is one of the bridges that spans the canal in the park. This bridge makes it easy for pedestrians to get to the park from Ala Moana Mall — or maybe it makes it easy for folks visiting the park to run to the mall for whatever picnic stuff they might have forgotten. Alan Moana Mall has both a grocery store and a Long’s Drug.

the canal

Here is a bit more of the canal. I loved the reflection of the cooling shade trees and the bright blue sky.

Heron reflect

More of the canal — with one of the local denizens contemplating fresh fish for supper.

heron b&w

The Night Heron up close. I rendered it black and white for Nicole B.’s, January Photo Challenge.  When I first changed this photo to B&W, I was disappointed by the lack of definition.  The feather texture was completely lost.   I returned to the colorized version of the photo, slide the color slide (Picasa) as far to the cool side as possible — which horribly distorted the colors — then I clicked on B&W and created the photo above.


  1. Love the 3rd one.
    but what are those trees? there seems to be some long tendril like things hanging?
    .-= VioletSky´s last blog .. =-.

  2. Verrrrrrrrrry niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice! I like that bridge shot a LOT! And the B/W bird! Good goin!

    Nicole B. has a January PHOTO CHALLENGE? I’m in! I don’t care what it is! I’m off to check it out! My reflection will post around midnight!
    .-= Melli´s last blog ..A Fowl Beginning… =-.

  3. These are such beautiful, clear reflections. And the blue is so intense, just lovely. I really like the bridge shot, nice contrast and composition. And the bird is really interesting, very pretty!

    1. Kathy — thank you. I am very fond of the photos I took of that Heron. I can’t believe he hung out like he did and obliged me.

  4. The reflection in the first shot looks like a watercolour painting.
    And hey, your good looking friend’s back.

    Cool that you got that great detail in the b&w shot by playing with the coloured one first!
    Neat idea!

    I see that at the end of the month we will probably have a really cool collection of b&w tips 😀
    .-= Nicole´s last blog ..January Photo challenge – Go black and white =-.

  5. i admire the vivid colours in all these reflection photos.

    as for B&W conversion, i quite like picasa. you have an option filtered B&W in Effects sheet which sometimes gives interesting results (you can get different shades of grey through different colour channels). and you can always play with slides in Tuning sheet to increase contrasts etc
    .-= polona´s last blog ..postcard =-.

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