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The Final Week

I don’t know how much you’ll see of me this week. There is much to do!

We have 7 days until the movers arrive. Between now and then I have three closets to sort and cleaning to do — fans to clean, windows to wash, etc. I also have to do some dismantling.

When we arrived on this island the first piece of furniture we bought was a dining room set. Amoeba knew just what he wanted and we trekked all over the island to find it. We looked at dozens of contemporary dining sets, but couldn’t find one that suited both our price and our pocket book.

I wanted something with a “country” look. Amoeba wanted a bistro-type set with long-legged chairs. We actually found a wonderful compromise. Our dining set is made of wood (a must for me) and has a natural wood top and seats, while the frame of the table and chairs is a high gloss black.

It was perfect in our condo — especially in front of that huge sliding glass door overlooking the ocean. It looks great in this stark white, beach house because it adds a bit of color and dramatic flair. I imagine it will look wonderful in the dining room of our new home, too. Even so, this week I don’t like it.

In order to move it we —I — have to dismantle it. Again. And when it arrives in Friday Harbor I will have to put it together. Again. Do you have any idea how many nuts and bolts and screws it takes to put together a set of table and chairs! My hand hurts just thinking about how long I’ll be holding a screwdriver or wrench.


  1. I guess it IS the Final Countdown. We’ll miss your physical presence, but I know your online wit, wisdom, oh and humor will be here for all of us to enjoy.

  2. Stretch it out! Do one chair today… one tomorrow… one the next day… by the end of the week you’ll have it done! And why is it YOU that has to do that? Doesn’t Amoeba eat at that table too???

    Other than that… WOW! You’re really getting CLOSE now!!! Whoo hoo!
    .-= Melli´s last blog ..Weekend Reflections … and mom! =-.

    1. Melli — I actually thought I might do the unused chairs today. Maybe. But we have a party to attend soon and I still have chili to cook and a shower to take!

      Oh, and I have to do it because a screw driver is not an electron microscope and my Amoeba can’t seem to figure out … never mind. Let’s just say that when we bought the set, I put the table and three chairs together while he put a chair together. Okay?

  3. I feel for you. I really do. Good luck with everything, and get as much rest as possible. That’s what I missed the most. I’m excited for you! 🙂
    .-= Cherie´s last blog ..2009 Wrap Up =-.

    1. Cherie — rest? I insist on at least 8 hours sleep per night or I am not fit to live with. 😉

      Luckily for me, movers are doing the packing. I only have to sort and clean and I have pretty much been doing that as I go.

  4. Hello I can empathize with you here coz I just recently moved from Edinburgh Scotland to England and had to practically give all my stuff away as my new home is smaller lol, building furniture is a nightmare once let alone havin to do it again…
    all the very best with your move……

    1. Jingle — when I left Vegas it was a huge move. I gave away, tossed out and sold tons of stuff. My move from Hawaii is a little less intense because we didn’t collect too much.

  5. I hope all goes well. Thankfully my husband can handle dismantling and such — I don’t think I’d be able to get on the floor or in the positions needed to do such.

    I know it will be a super-busy time, but if I know you, you’ll find much of the ironic and humorous in the process!
    .-= Barbara H.´s last blog ..More odds and ends… =-.

  6. .
    Well, Quilly, soon we’ll be saying goodbye for a spell.
    >Do they have Internet on the Island?
    >Is there a ferry over to Victoria or do you have to go back to Vancouver and catch that one?
    >How often does the ferry to the mainland run?
    >Is there a supermarket in Friday Harbor?
    Guess I should have asked those questions earlier. Or this might be a good time if you have the table apart now?
    .-= Jim´s last blog ..One Single Impression: Wings =-.

      1. Jim — the island has running water, electricity and internet. I have a laptop (thanks to Thom).

        We won’t be living in Canada and although we can and have taken the ferry to Sydney. We have done so and then driven to Victoria. There are two very nice grocery stores in Friday Harbor — and a bowling alley, barber shop, beauty salon, gas stations, police station, fire house, court house, library — most everything one would expect to find in any small town.

  7. I much prefer it when the “we” involved in work is the masculine form of we, rather than the feminine form. For example, “we” need to do laundry and “we” need to clean the gutters.
    .-= kcinnova´s last blog ..2009: the year that was =-.

  8. Soon you can look back at this adventure whilst you are sitting in Friday Harbor and will be glad it is over. Moving isn’t one of my favorite things to do either, I’ll be sending Happy Thoughts to you
    .-= Bill´s last blog ..Microfiction Monday #12 =-.

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