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Outdoor Bathing

Sunday while Amoeba and the praise band practiced, I decided to take a photo walk around the church grounds. I didn’t venture out with great enthusiasm though because I have walked the grounds so many times I didn’t expect to see much of anything new. Imagine my surprise when I found a gentlemen bathing right out in public!

House Finch

This fella was right in the church courtyard. It was a hot day and he obviously needed refreshment. One would think that being right out in public — within full view of a lady armed with a camera — he would have been more modest, but that wasn’t the case. Without apology one, he just dove right in!

House Finch

Please, biggie this second one. I am so pleased I decided to take that walk instead of taking a nap!


  1. HE is a handsome fella INDEED! And what a show to put on! You did great catchin’ those splashes! I LOVE it! I tried so hard to catch the birds bathing in MY birdbath this summer. But I have to get too close — and they don’t come into the yard if anyone is outside! Through the window just isn’t the same… These are GORGEOUS!
    .-= Melli´s last blog ..Is This CHICAGO??? =-.

  2. I hope your blog doesn’t get a red flag because of dirty pictures !
    What a lovely little guy ! or is it a little girl ? anyway your pictures are beautiful !
    .-= Gattina´s last blog .. =-.

    1. Kay — Amoeba looked this fella up for me because mainland House Finches don’t come in this color. However it seems that the House Finches of Hawaii come in several unusual color variations. Here on Oahu only 37% of House Finches are orange. The majority are yellow, and 5% are red.

  3. Well, isn’t this special. As you know, I have a woodpecker posted today, with the cutest red head! And as you probably don’t know (’til now), you’re my Sx3 winner! Please email me your info, galfriend, so I can mail you your Tarjay card!
    .-= Melissa B.´s last blog ..Woody Woodpecker…Knot a Problem =-.

    1. Melissa — I am so excited I won! I really liked a couple of the other photo captions. And I loved your little redheaded math teacher woodpecker!

  4. WOW! Those pictures are just…. breathtaking! I loved them!!! Thanks for sharing them! And congratulations for winning on the “Caption for the snowjob pic!” It was funny indeed! I knew you’d win!!!
    .-= Paloma´s last blog ..Mexican meatballs =-.

  5. WOW! you are getting better and better. the second one with all those droplets is stunning but i don’t think it would work so well on its own because the protagonist is partly hidden. together these two photos are simply great!
    .-= polona´s last blog ..toward snowflakes =-.

    1. Polona — I knew I needed the first photo so everyone could see who was bathing in the second photo. In truth I probably took 20+ shots of this guy. Some of them are motion blurred. In a couple he has his head turned away. In 4-5 his mate is with him, but she is bent over so only her butt is up and it completely blocks him from view.

  6. He’s gorgeous!
    Glad you took that walk!

    Awesome shots of this Beauty!
    That second one is spectacular!

    Sure it’s a house Finch? He looks like he has red feathers?
    I only know them brown and beige.
    .-= Nicole´s last blog ..Egyptian Museum in Cairo =-.

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