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This is the back of our new house. You will note that there are two decks. An open deck off the living room and a covered deck off the dining room. Even if it is raining, I can sit outside. Since it is likely to rain often in the area, I am anticipating frequent episodes of enjoying the view from my covered deck.

When I heard the stove was a JennAir, I immediately began dreaming of built in gas grills . Then the landlady (you can see her in the pic) said the stove was electric, but the covered patio has a propane feed for a gas grill. You know I have one of those on my wishlist now.

In the meantime, that little path you see at the end of the steps leads to here. A propane fire pit. I am thinking that it will make a great place for a marshmallow roast. But probably not until at least spring. Still, I’m dreaming ….

It is almost time. I bought two new suitcases today. The one I took this summer didn’t survive the trip. It wasn’t very old, but I stored it for 3 years in a metal shed sans air conditioning and that must have weakened the plastics. At any rate, until we finally hit Friday Harbor I will continue to post and I’ll visit when I can, but you might be seeing less of me as things crank into action.


  1. I love a covered porch. Sometimes I sit on my front porch and enjoy the rain, too. 🙂
    We built a fire pit in our yard here. Although it is much farther from the house than your new one, we still love it. We also have a propane line on the back deck for a grill, which means when we moved in, I purchased my first (and only) propane grill. I love it! We grill year round now.
    What a gem of a house!
    .-= kcinnova´s last blog ..Random Dozen (first of 2010), in which it is revealed that I am a whiner =-.

  2. Ohhhhhh you must be getting SO excited now!!! It really is ALMOST here!!! I love that fire pit! You will enjoy that greatly in spring and fall! Shoot – my kids made bonfires even in the summer. Crazy kids… but at night… on a cool one… It’s gonna be GREAT Quilly!
    .-= Melli´s last blog ..Somebody Always Helps! =-.

  3. It looks great, but I wish there were more sunshine for you, Q. I know you are a sun person like me. Rain is so dreary. On the other hand, your environment will be lush and green.
    .-= gigi-hawaii´s last blog ..Lazy Wednesday =-.

  4. .
    Well Quilly, I studied this before sending. I don’t think that blonde sitting out with the fire pit is you. Does she come with the house? Oh … I reread, she is the landlady.
    Our kitchen stove top (sits on top of a cabinet) is a propane JennAir. We have a propane feed on the backporch also but not a firepit. Not even a gas grill. Mrs. Jim gave that grill away.
    I don’t barbeque as I think the whole idea is a conspiracy against men to get them to cook. All you have to do is praise them a little for their food and they will cook till the cows come home.
    .-= Jim´s last blog ..Our pear trees are blue today — MidWeek Blues — My breakfast plan finalized =-.

  5. A maze ing! I would die for a deck so I might look on out at the beautiful smog riddled Los Angeles sunsets BUT it is not to be. I know however you’ll thoroughly enjoy sitting out there just the two of you relaxing….. I just love it!
    Have a wonderful rest-of-the-day Quilly!
    .-= amanda´s last blog ..Thurday 13: I Remember Wildflowers…. =-.

  6. The house looks lovely – and what a wonderful thing to have a covered porch and an open one! I’m so happy for you! May the move be easy and as trouble-free as moves can be. Be gentle with yourselves, it’s exhausting even when it goes well. But a home of your own is something special. Congrats.
    .-= Raven´s last blog ..The Death Penalty =-.

  7. I imagine you’ll be VERY busy from this point on. I’m in awe that you’re able to post right now. I just love your new house. I can see why you’re excited to go there. I would be, too.
    .-= musings´s last blog ..Project: Pinbag =-.

  8. I bet you´re getting really exciting! Looks great your place and I´m sure you´ll be happy there. It looks like your located near some woods too, or is that the neighbors trees and bushes? I really hope it all meets your expectations!

  9. WOW…. what a beautiful home you will have. I love the fire pit. Hope you don’t mind, I’m going to borrow that photo of the fire pit. I will use it in a post in the near future, hopefully today.
    .-= Alice in BC Canada´s last blog ..Light Mail =-.

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