Microfiction Monday #13
Susan from Stony River, welcomes us to Microfiction Monday,
where a picture paints just 140 characters.
If you’d like to join us, stop by Susan’s, pick up the picture prompt, and sign in.
“Tunnel of love, my ass! Keep bailing! If the boat don’t sink and the gators don’t get us, I am so killing you!”
Since I am literally in the midst of a trans-Pacific move, I might not get to the other participants until Tuesday or Wednesday! Sorry.
Ha. Well, just so long as you put a little time aside to recommend subprime mortgages, I’m happy.
.-= Doug´s last blog ..The Reformation of Wolfshausen =-.
Doug — pft!
Don’t let the gators get you in the move, Q! This is excellent, and timely!
.-= southlakesmom´s last blog ..New Year’s Goals – Humility =-.
I see your traveling and all but you have a side note on punny Monday but nothing for us faithful Thursday Word people. When will that return with new words?
Beautiful picture! At least you aren’t moving to Florida!
.-= Mocha with Linda´s last blog ..Understanding Men – Part 2; Review & Giveaway =-.
Ah, the best laid plans…! Hope your travels go much more smoothly.
.-= Barbara H.´s last blog ..Microfiction Monday #13 and two things I forgot to tell you about =-.
CONGRATULATIONS QUILLY I have nominated YOU for a blogger award, please poip over to accept it, well done xxx
This was good Quilly, I had my Morning Chuckle. All the best with your Move.
.-= Bill´s last blog ..Micorfiction Monday #13 =-.
LOLOL Good one! 🙂
Good luck with the move. I have only one piece of advice. Patience … patience … patience. 😉
.-= Cherie´s last blog ..Saturday 9 – Call Me =-.
Oh, a great one, particularly considering your upcoming move!!! Happy your moving to my part of the world and hope to get to meet you one of these days! May the move go well!
I just loved this,so today and lol funny!
Good job for sure!
.-= Peggy´s last blog ..Microfiction Monday #7 =-.
ROFLMAO!!! Oh my sentiments exactly. So perfect for this photo. Well done Q 🙂
.-= Thom´s last blog ..What Childhood Toy Are You?, a Birthday and You May Be a Taliban If… =-.
I got such a laugh from this one. Thanks!
.-= first50´s last blog ..Microfiction Monday #13 =-.
Fantastico! I nearly sprayed my monitor with my coffee! A very fun read Quilly – it sounded very much like something my two oldest daughters would say… and they both live in gator country 😀
.-= Steven´s last blog ..Stony River’s Microfiction Monday #3 =-.
Hey, we’re not stressed out for any reason, are we? ROFL!!!
This is my kind of story, I love it — such a tranquil photo but so much going on in the story.
Or maybe I like it so much because my marriage *always* has me in that “I’m gonna kill you” mood LOL
.-= Susan at Stony River´s last blog ..Microfiction Monday #13 =-.
This is hilarious! I can so see you and Amoeba in this.
.-= musings´s last blog ..Microfiction Monday: My First Time =-.
Funny. I was actually thinking along this lines, initially, until I got into a totally different take on it. I love the speaker’s forthcomingness. LOL. loved it.
LOL, great microfiction!!!!
Got my prize and I LOVE IT!!! I am going to wear it down to Chile on Wed.
Thank you so much.
.-= Mar´s last blog ..we interrupt the blogging hiatus… =-.
Hawaii or FLA? Do y’all have gators out there in the Pacific? This is too funny!
.-= Melissa B.´s last blog ..If George Costanza Can Do It… =-.
that in the midst of the transpacific moving frenzy you are able to come up with this is worth every admiration
.-= polona´s last blog ..~ =-.
Just the laugh I needed and the first one of the day as well. I already miss you. BAH! You can’t leave. I just won’t allow it. and those are my final words on it. I have a closet I can stick you in. Or we could put the kid in there and give you the room~ hmm this has many possibilites…
.-= OJM´s last blog ..New page =-.
Good luck with the move, I’ve been thinking of you guys all day!
cute! You had me smiling at this one!
.-= gigi-hawaii´s last blog ..Assembling a new book =-.
Gators huh? That sounds about right; they’d rather you just get close enough for them to swallow than actually do the work and get you. 🙂
Hope the move is going as well as a move can. See you next week!
.-= hope´s last blog ..Microfiction Monday =-.
ROFL! I love it!
.-= Melli´s last blog ..Hair… and things… =-.
Too funny, this was well thought up….. travel safe!
.-= amanda´s last blog ..Musical Monday: Mom is home =-.
Awesome, Quilly!!! I love the ‘caption’. Too funny!!!
I’ve posted a new Photo Challenge called WHAT IS ABOVE YOUR BED????? If/when you find a few moments drop by…. if/when you get a photo of something above your bed, lol. Right now I guess that could be a box or two.
Hope your move is going well.
.-= Alice in BC Canada´s last blog ..What Is Above Your Bed????? =-.
Love the romance. Mindst you, you’ve left him with no get-out clause 🙂
.-= Anthony North´s last blog ..ZANY =-.
Giggling over here…
.-= kcinnova´s last blog ..Eminent Eights on the 8th =-.
Wake up Quilly! Write!
Write faster so you can get back to your packing.
.-= Jim´s last blog ..One Single Impression: Indurated =-.
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