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The Daniel Fast, by Susan Gregory

In The Daniel Fast, Susan Gregory explains the methods and purposes of Biblical fasting — to renew your mind, body and soul while enriching your relationship with God. The book is amazingly thorough in explaining fasting, it’s Biblical roots, how to prepare for a fast, what to expect, and even the difficulties one might encounter. Moreover, the book has over 100 pages of recipes, sample menus, a meal planning work sheet and 21 daily devotionals.

I was impressed with the book on many levels. Susan Gregory cites scripture every inch of the way as she leads her reader through the planning and preparing stage. She takes into account the frailties and foibles of real people. She offers plans and contingency plans. And through all of this she is very careful not to become legalistic and even warns her reader about the pitfalls of doing so themselves.

I have not followed the Daniel Fast. I don’t think I am ready to take that on while we are still in this state of flux between homes, but once we are settled and unpacked, I may just give it a try. And no matter what, I know I am trying out a couple of these recipes. I don’t care if they are healthy, they sound down right yummy!

Susan Gregory is also known as The Daniel Fast blogger, and can be found on the web.

I would like to thank Tyndale House Publishers for sending me a complimentary copy of this book for review.


  1. I’ve heard wonderful things about fasting, and local people do it regularly on pilgrimmages to Lough Derg, but I just never get very far without getting discouraged, or simply forgetting. It’s something I think I could make work if I was on a retreat somewhere, or in a remote cabin by myself without kids to feed!

    The book sounds excellent. Thanks for the review!
    .-= Susan at Stony River´s last blog ..Microfiction Monday #15 =-.

  2. I’ve been wanting to try fasting but it does scare me a bit… it’s definitely a commitment of the highest order, and I do get soooooo hungry. But I think I’ll get this book and see if it helps me work through my fears. I think it might be a great way to work through my obedience issues too… I have a friend who fasts every Wednesday.
    .-= Melli´s last blog ..Happy Birthday Dear Mathew! =-.

    1. Melli — on the Daniel Fast you do not go totally without food. You still eat 3 meals a day. You are just fasting from certain things. Remember, Daniel lived his entire life on this diet.

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