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Planning for a Dazzling Day

My friend Lisa of Lisa Bolton Arts, is, as I type this, boarding the ferry that will bring her across the Sound to Friday Harbor on San Juan Island.  Amoeba and I are going out to play today.  Don’t expect us back until evening.  Why don’t all of you go out and have fun as well?

The sun is coming out and it looks like it is going to me a dazzling day in the PNW.  All the better for charming our visitor.  However, I forgot to order wholesale sunglasses and I still haven’t found a pair on this island anywhere, so after a day of squinting at the sun, I may very well NOT be back this evening.

Somebody remind me to order sunglasses as soon as I get back in.  You’d think the migraines themselves would make it unnecessary for me to need an external reminder, wouldn’t you? Apparently that isn’t so.

Oh, and after I get my new sunglasses — which WILL NOT have a unisex design, remind me not to allow Mr. I’ve-Just-Lost-My-100th-Pair-of-Sunglasses to borrow the dang things.

She: Honey, you borrowed my sunglasses yesterday where are they?
He: Uhmmmmm….
She: You’ve lost my sunglasses, too, haven’t you?
He: Uhmmmmm….
She: I can’t believe you lost my sunglasses in just one day!
He: I didn’t lose them. I put them down somewhere and now I can’t find them.


  1. Oh, I’d sooooooo love to go out to play today. But today I’ll be spending most of my time either a) shoveling or b) inside warming up after shoveling. Record Storm Hits DC Area. Banner headline!

  2. .
    Have fun, you and Amoeba! Get out before your company comes! Then come back and enjoy all.
    It’s a lovely day, I was out. And did take one driving picture crossing the lake. The sun and reflections were sooooo pretty!

    It got warm and I had to take off my light jacket. My sister from Iow is coming just in time for our Southeat Texas style winter. Up here where we live they said we could have freezing ice showers Wednesday or Thursday. It is coming from California and Washington! 😉
    BTW, your blog teller is telling old posts. I shut it off.

  3. I’m enjoying the weather from INSIDE today! And my back is enjoying a heating pad while the rest of me enjoys Aspirin. I shoveled snow for 3 hours last night when we “only” had 8 inches of the beautiful white stuff.
    Thankfully, we still have power. It did flicker 4 times (3 of them strong enough to cut off the computer) around midnight.
    .-= kcinnova´s last blog ..BUNNYCAM update! =-.

  4. lucky you – enjoy your day (but do get those sunglasses)!
    rain and fog and snow today so hardly anything to enjoy. i did have an interesting day, though (will probably say a word or three about it on ST)
    .-= polona´s last blog ..winter valley =-.

  5. I’m so with Charley. I never lose things. Just can’t remember where I put them.. Have a good time. It’s so wonderful to now know, having been there, what’s going on and what you will be doing. I love it 🙂
    .-= Thom´s last blog ..Guess Whose Back? =-.

  6. We were without power from 2:50 a.m. until 6:06 p.m. today. The house was down in the 50’s…somehow, we weren’t inspired to go out and enjoy the day. Especially because it continued snowing.

    We now have about 30 inches of snow. Tomorrow we’ll be shoveling in shifts. Praise God for snow plow drivers and power company workers.
    .-= southlakesmom´s last blog ..A Cold 28 hours =-.

  7. Hey, weird – I bought 2 pairs today! Definitely NOT unisex design either 😉 Not that my hubby would or could wear them!

    Hope your dazzling day doesn’t end with a migraine!

    Thanks for the lovely compliment about our song – high praise indeed! 🙂
    .-= Jenn@ You know… that blog?´s last blog ..6 Word Saturday =-.

  8. LOL! Hope you had fun playing today. I stayed in… mostly. I knew Mom wasn’t going anywhere, so I caught up on some sleep! LOL!
    .-= Melli´s last blog ..Snow Fun! =-.

  9. You just reminded me – I want to try and get my (prescription) sunglasses retinted. I still like them, and they’d cost a fortune to replace, but they’re not doing all that well at actually blocking the sun at the moment.

    I really need to do this over the winter, I’d never make it 3 days without them in spring or summer.
    .-= Robin from Israel´s last blog ..Apricot Orchard =-.

  10. It was a lovely day- as I put on Facebook, “Spent the day with an amoeba and a bird, DRANK spinach and kale, and ate at a bait shop. Alice, meet rabbithole.”

    They are magical people, which I already knew. They made the weather pretty (until the drive home, but I imagine their superpowers don’t extend all the way across the ferry), made a harbor seal materialize, and sent me home with half the island shoved in my pockets (Quilly is mailing me the other half).

    Thanks guys for a wonderful time!!

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