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Radiant Barrier Insulation

I got to spend all day at our house today. They finally got the internet and telephone situation straightened out so there was more to do there than just listen to the washer agitate or watch the clothes go around in the drier.

I went to the house early this morning to wait for the phone technician. When I walked in the house was chilly. The thermostat read 57F, so I turned it up to 67F. It’s a big house, I thought it would be slow to heat, but I shed my coat in less than 10 minutes.

When the tech finished fixing the phone lines it was time for me to jet back to the apartment and get Amoeba’s lunch ready (not I didn’t have to, I wanted to). I turned the heat off when I left the house just in case I cahnged my mind about returning. When I did return a couple of hours later, the house was only two degrees cooler then it had been when I left it. Gotta love that radiant barrier insulation. It works wonders. Oh, and our electric bill for last month was a whole $8.00.


  1. I sooooooooooo wish we had that in this house! Even a WRAP would have been nice! But they didn’t become “popular” until about 5 years after we built. UGH! You don’t even want to know how HIGH our electric bills are. They’re outrageous! I suspect yours will be a few more than $8 though once you are actually LIVING there! Let us know though!
    .-= Melli´s last blog ..Friday Fave 5 =-.

  2. An $8.00 heating bill is amazing!! I know, you haven’t been living there so you haven’t really been heating the house very much, but even so…. EIGHT DOLLARS!! Wow!

    I suspect Melli has propane, which is insanely expensive out here. We have electric heat (heat pump) and it isn’t too bad, although I miss natural gas heat.
    .-= kcinnova´s last blog ..Friday 5: Fat Tuesday edition =-.

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