Announcing … Me!
I have just become an Avon Lady! If you don’t already have an Avon rep and are interested in Avon, feel free to check out my online brochure. If you are interested, but not really ready to purchase and would like to be placed on my mailing list, just drop me a note. Some of you are already on my mailing list. If you wish to be removed, just drop me a note.
Avon sells world-wide and has been voted as the most trusted brand on three different continents. I have been using Avon since I was a little girl. Avon has always been my preferred beauty supply source. In fact, the reason I choose to become an Avon Representative is because I couldn’t find one here on the island. I asked around and no one seemed to know. If the island has an Avon Rep, she’s keeping a much lower profile than I intend to!
Cool! I haven’t had an Avon lady in ages!
.-= Mama Zen´s last blog ..Sunday Funk =-.
Mama Zen — you can shop in my online shop and have your purchases mailed right to your door.
Brings to mind the old ads. . .
Ding, Dong! Avon Calling!
I hope you get a huge customer base!
.-= Mocha with Linda´s last blog ..TSMSS – Symphony of Praise =-.
Linda — did you just call me a ding-a-ling?
Do you get your pink Cadillac? Oh wait that’s Mary Kay LOL And I see my button NEVER this whole week made it on your blog for winning last week’s punny monday. Oh yeah, you were busy all week!!! pfffft
.-= Thom´s last blog ..Sunday Stealing – Another Meme About Me =-.
Thom, I never put a button up for anybody. Why would I put one up for you? You got your blog name and a feed, just like everybody else — it it has been up since about an hour after I posted the winners.
PFFFT!!! i’m just sayin’
.-= Thom´s last blog ..Sunday Stealing – Another Meme About Me =-.
Alrighty then.
LOL! at Thom!
I don’t actually use Avon make-up or scents… I don’t actually use ANYBODY’s make-up… except a little lipstick from time to time. BUT Avon always has interesting little “stuff” — especially around Christmas time that I like to get for the kids. And by all means… you can be my Avon Lady!
.-= Melli´s last blog ..Weekend Reflections… and stuff… =-.
Melli — whenever for whatever. Avon sells an amazing range of products these days.
After having tried out several brandmarks through all ages, I am back now to the good old NIVEA which my grandma already used. Only now you have the whole beauty set : anti age, anti wrinkles, wet and dry skin, shampoo, body milk etc. while at grandma’s times there was only one Nivea box which did it all !
.-= Gattina´s last blog .. =-.
Gattina — I am back to Avon – -which is what I grew up with. It is quality and it is affordable.
I don’t have an Avon Lady, so now it’s you! If I’m not on your mailing list already, go ahead and put me on it; I’m running low on Skin-So-Soft to keep the mosquitoes and midges away, and Spring’s nearly here LOL
.-= Susan at Stony River´s last blog ..Microfiction Monday #21 =-.
Susan — Skin-So-Soft is on sale soon. I’ll let you know!
Congratulations! Now you can keep yourself stocked and hopefully make a little extra cash on the side. That is exactly why I am a Mary Kay Rep!
.-= church Lady´s last blog ..Goodbye 53! =-.
CL — oh! do you have a eSales website? Is it attached to your blog so people can find it? Do you have to sell only through parties? And does MaryKay still do that make up thing where you’re taught to put it on two feet thick? I know that sells more product, but ewww! Anyway, there was a wonderful hand cream I loved. It was pink and smelled lucious and was thick and creamy and not greasy. Do you still sell it?
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