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  • Ridgeway Becket Curio Grandfather Clock

Ridgeway Becket Curio Grandfather Clock

I’ve fallen in love! Our wonderful new home has a grand foyer and it needs an accessory that will make a grand statement. I began by looking at desks and shelves, and then I found this incredible Grandfather Clock.

I have always loved curio cabinets and I have always loved Grandfather Clocks.  How perfect that the two of them have been wed in this gorgeous timepiece.  You know what else is perfect?  I found this blog post, Housewarming Gifts And Home Warming Presents, that explained to me exactly how I was going to go about getting this clock.

You are all cordially invited to a party in our new home.  BYOB and a couple dollar bills to attach to the money tree.  (Five, ten, twenty, fifty and even hundred dollar bills are also acceptable.)

I have a passion for clocks.  I find the rhythmic tick-tock-ticking very soothing.  I especially love the chimes on grandfather clocks.  This one has Westminster Chimes, which means it plays a bit of music, and then counts the hour in gongs.  It also has the feature where one can silence the chimes during their sleeping hours — and a volume control on how loudly the chimes play.

Note that the case of this clock is wrought iron and not wood.  It will fit in well with the contemporary country design of our home. So, what do you say? Can you make it to the house warming?


  1. I love it! I´m not really a fan of grandfather clocks, but I love the wrought iron underneath! Such a great design. I´m sure it look pretty in your house.
    I wish I could come to the housewarming, but alas….yeah, too far! 🙂

  2. P.S. Thanks for the offer of help on my blog. I´m going to try to do it on my own. If I need help, I´ll be letting you know though.

    1. Betty — no problem. My thought was to put the header pick in my photo-editor and just make it a part of a larger template.

  3. I have always been a big fan of grandfather clocks — and I absolutely LOVE a traditional grandfather clock — and I wouldn’t silence the chimes either … I love them. But this clock is truly magnificent! I totally get why you love it!!! I hope you DO get it! Some how… some way… and I will be HAPPY to contribute to the grandfather clock fund! 🙂
    .-= Melli´s last blog ..Random Dozen… PLINK! =-.

    1. Melli — because I love grandfather clocks, when it comes time to choose I will probably have changed my mind again about which one to bring home.

    1. Precious! I used to have a Regulator “School House” clock that I loved to listen tick tock and chime. A college roommate gave it to me, then two years later she took it back.

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