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Girls Life Application Study Bible

Girls Life Application Study Bible, NLT, is designed especiallly for girls ages 11 and up. The leather like cover is purple and pink and embossed with a gorgeous multicolored butterfly.  The page edges are purple and pink as well, and decorated in butterflies and flowers.  Inside this dazzling package is the New Living Translation of the Holy Bible.

This is a complete Bible in the protestant tradition of Bible translations from Genesis to Revelation.  A dazzling variety of special features make this Bible unique:

  • multicolored text (black, purple and pink in various hues)
  • highly detailed maps and charts
  • life lessons
  • fast facts
  • simple yet jazzy line drawings
  • high gloss inserts with interesting/relevant info;
  • “What Now” questions for thought
  • memory verses
  • a topical index designed with a young girl’s concerns in mind
  • indexes of all the special features

One of  my favorite features of Tyndale’s, Girls Life Application Study Bible, is the book headings.  Each book begins with an explanation of Who, What, When and Where.  This feature also includes a key verse, a synopsis and a time line when applicable.

Another of my favorite features is the “At a Glance” sidebar that provides an intriguing glimpse of specific women in the Bible and includes an invitation to read more.

If you haven’t already figured out my thoughts, I think this is a great Bible!  There is a beautiful presentation page which makes this Bible perfect for gift giving.  If you know a ‘Tween Girl and want to enhance her Bible study, this book is the perfect gift.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Tyndale Press. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


    1. I noticed that, too — I kept clicking over to see if it would come up during the day. (Sorry, Q, but you’ve created a bunch of addicts who come skulking around your door when it’s that time. :D) I knew you were away all weekend and might not have it or it might be late, but I thought it odd there was no mention of it at all.
      .-= Barbara H.´s last blog ..Friday’s Fave Five =-.

    2. Barbara — I didn’t realized it was missing until quite late in the morning and no one had complained, so I didn’t bother to mention it.

    1. Linda — it is a great Bible. I am trying to decide what girl to give it to, buit I want to give it to every ‘Tween I know!

  1. Wow…this sounds really neat, I don’t know any tween girls but I think this one would be good to have on my Bible bookshelf.
    .-= shelly´s last blog ..Tile Time =-.

    1. Shelly — I have been considering keeping it — but I have so many Bibles already! I only read two or three at a time!

      1. I’m a bit of a book-a-holic…that’s what happens when you love to read and you haven’t moved in 30 years 😉
        The fun part is when I have guests and they’re looking for something to read…we have options!
        .-= shelly´s last blog ..Tile Time =-.

  2. A really good friend of mine has this bible and likes it alot. I like the way the NLT reads to especially in the gospel it flows well and the thoughts are really nice. The NASB is like that as well it an extent. Like when Herod thinks Jesus is John the Baptist raised from the dead. It puts it to the effect he “kept” saying to himself that this was John, makes you visualize him pacing around talking to himself lol.

    Nice post

    1. David — I like most all translations of the Bible — as long as they are direct translations and not translations of translations.

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