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    1. Jim — you don’t visit my blog often so you probably missed the post that says the Friday Harbor Labs where Amoeba works is a nature preserve. This isn’t MY lawn, it is hers, as are the daisies. I just used the title of Jean Kerr’s book to head my photo because I wanted a laugh.

      1. .
        Thanks for the fill-in on Amoeba’s job. i thought he worked for a college’s activity of some sort. I didn’t realize your back yard was a nature preserve. I looked at a lot of your deer posts and did know they came there often.

        At any rate, I am saying. The deer here in East Texas are almost as plentiful as are wildhogs. It is alright to kill the hogs but not the deer except in hunting season. In the meantime they mow down the gardens, those cute little devils!

        We do daisy things around here but don’t raise them. They are Mrs. Jim’s favorite flower and a great plenty grow wild, more than the deer can eat.

        1. Jim — from the Friday Harbor Labs’ website: The 484-acre tract of land on which the Laboratories are sited, and the marine waters of the region in general, are biological preserves. The Laboratories also control biological preserves at False Bay and Argyle Lagoon on San Juan Island, at Point George and Cedar Rock on Shaw Island, and some other areas. These preserves provide a wide range of protected terrestrial and marine environments available for short- and long-term research projects.

    1. Thom — thanks. Pretty amazing that they get so close, isn’t it? We’ll have to see if we can’t get you one or two of these shots this summer.

    1. Nicole — she’s just a yearling and a bit skittish still, but she wanted those flowers enough to risk getting close.

  1. You would think I live in the wilderness and could get a picture like that, but no way. Sheร‚ยดs sooo cute and those daisies must be so good! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Betty — but you have much more space. On this small island we are all forced to share. There isn’t far the deer can go to get away.

  2. The photo opps never cease for you! What a great photo of the baby deer. It appears she has one eye on you and the other on the daisy!

    1. Church Lady — yes, she kept tabs on me the whole time she was eating. And photo opps like this are pretty easy to come by on the lab grounds. Just stand still and don’t look threatening.

  3. No daisies to be seen here, but we do have some sweet-looking deer. I love their big brown eyes. I do not love the deer ticks or Lyme Disease.

    1. Melli — it is because we are all close on the island. The deer are used to us because there aren’t many places they can go that we aren’t.

  4. You all see a sweet deer, I see (around here) an uncontrolled species that gets hits by cars, destroys urban gardens, and spreads disease. In short, I see venison. Sorry, Bambi!

    1. Kelley — I am fond of venison, but not on this island. Too much preserve and population. Very little land where hunting is allowed.

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