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Out of Control

I am not working so my life shouldn’t be so out of control, but it is!  I seem to have more to do than I have time to do it in. For one thing, I now have a social life and friends with skin.  Most of that is related to selling Avon, but it is still fun to get out and about everyday.

This week I destroyed two sewing machines — well, more accuately they destroyed me.  My own has a cracked bobbin holder.  It didn’t survive the move.  I borrowed a machine from a lady at church.  It is the same model as mine, but a little older.  There was one tiny difference I didn’t realize — my machine threads left to right; hers threads right to left.  That tiny little thing gave me much frustration.  She swapped me for another sewing machine (she teaches quilting and owns a dozen or so).  This machine sewed like a dream until I broke the needle sewing elastic.  The machine is a Janome and there are no needles for it on this island.  That means I had Amoeba’s costume vest for My Fair Lady to finish by HAND.  I designed the pattern, cut the vest out of old flour sack dish towels, and made it in 2 days.  It should have taken me 3 hours max.

I have had a rush of Avon orders.  I have had church commitments.  I missed a church commitment yesterday while hand sewing the vest and cussing Automattic for their, “Gee your site is down, too bad” attitude.  And Amoeba has had me fixing costumes and running all over the island looking for this, that and the other thing.  Today I must go buy him MAKE UP!  This man who will not kiss me when I am wearing lipstick wants me to get him his own!

There is a full dress rehearsal for the play tonight.  I am expected to be there.  This play has rearranged my life and my sleeping patterns — but at least I am sleeping.  Amoeba is only getting about 4.5 hours per night.  Most of this week dinner has been after 10 pm because that’s when Amoeba gets home from rehearsal.

I potted 8 rose bushes, battled hummingbird feeders, read my assigned novels and storybooks, shuttled meals to Amoeba and battled computer woes — then my website disappeared.  I was already stressed before that happened!

It seems someone forgot to pay the $14.99 renewal fee for her domain name.  I have the domain name registered with Automattic.  Despite 3 emails and a phone call to a voice mailbox with a message that pretty much says, “We don’t really care what you need because it isn’t our department, but go ahead and tell us anyway so we can ignore you”, I didn’t get an answer until this morning — over 24 hours AFTER my blog disappeared.   The answer was, “This really isn’t our problem.”  However, when I told the guy what I thought of their system of “help” I received a much more compassionate answer.

Of course, by that point I didn’t need it.

At any rate, my blog is back until this time next year when I forget to pay the renewal again. My desktop computer is running again — I finally took the time to figure out why it wasn’t working since it had the info I needed to actually pay the bill.  My roses are transplanted.  Amoeba’s vest, suit coat and clothes are washed, mended and ready for the full-dress rehearsal tonight — and I am soon on my way to buy him pancake makeup and eyeliner (I just gave him an old tube of my lipstick).  I would have ordered the face makeup and eyeliner from Avon, but he asked for it last night at dinner and I can’t get it shipped quite that quickly.


  1. I hate to ask . . but no 3WT? Oh well, between Susan moving and Amoeba’s makeup, I guess the rest of us can be patient.

    How on earth did he get that involved in the short time you’ve been there? Oh my!

  2. Automattic? You are starting to type like me LOL pffft You have been one busy woman I tell ya. Maybe you should get a job and things would calm down…LOL ACK!!! NO 3WT? What you been busy playing around or something? ROFLMAO

  3. Wow, you’ve been busy. Looks like some of the current happenings are coming to a close, at least until Amoeba’s next play. 🙂

    BTW, just for the record, your online friends have skin, too. 😀

    1. Barbara — I am certain you do have skin, but I’ve never seen it! 😉 And Amoeba’s play has a three week run and we are finished.

  4. That sounds like a whole lot of fun.
    Enjoy it cause it keeps you going and makes for happy memories.
    then one day it all stops lol

  5. .
    Wow, Quilly, what a week! You need me there! 🙂 I helped a neighbor (her husband is in the hospital, getting better now but was very serious–could have easily died had he not gotten there when he did) with her dishwasher. The lady is in a wheel chair and so her cousin and siter-in-law are there helping and visiting her and visitng with our friend.

    The dishwasher symptoms were that it wouldn’t come on after a brief power failure. Another mutual friend had checked it all out, even breakers, etc. So an electrician was called and I ran a signed check to the home from the hospital.

    I decided to make sure there was nothing simple overlooked by my fiend. Perhaps it was plugged into a ground fault plug for which its breaker in the receptacle had popped. As I was looking for a possible master ground fault plug for the machine, I spotted a row of three switches. I flipped the middle one to on and asked the SIL to check the dishwaser. Viola! It was working.

    That is one instance of my qualifications for fixing things (in my former life I was a NASA rocket scientist!–well, an engineer and electronics expert).

    My take on the sewing machine is that yours, the one you said “my machine threads left to right; hers threads right to left” is assembled for left handers to thread with the left hand. Taking this part off and inserting it the other way makes it to thread from the right for right handers.

    Don’t take this project on youself (‘don’t do it at your home??’) unless you are real handy and have the proper tools. They tell me that a left handed monkey wrench helps considerably with the disassembly process. 🙂

    I am glad too that your blog repair was simple. Some people are hard headed like the guy you got. Good for you that he was straightened out!

    I’d like to see your production. Guess instead I’ll have to go to see Houston’s famous Art Car Parade. Dan Akroyd is the grand marshal. Over 250 vehicles are expected. Wow!

    1. Jim — wow is right, I’d like to see that parade! I know how to make a left-handed monkey wrench, just turn the right-handed monkey wrench over. 😉 And since the sewing machine isn’t mine, I won’t be changing it! Good for you on checking the breaker. that’s always my first fix!

      1. .
        But if you turn a right-handed monkey wrench over then, yes it will work left-handed, but it will be upside down. Try using it end-for-end but then the screw mechanism will be down instead of up to tighten.
        Better to buy a lef-handed one. 🙂

  6. It’s nice to have stuff to do. I wish I did and would do them.

    You may miss it all when things slow down.

  7. I don’t have a job either, and MY life and YOURS are running on similar patterns! It’s crazy… insane actually… But… that’s my life! I’m glad your blog is back up and running… and that you have friends with skin!!! LOL! We all need a bit of both! 🙂

    1. Melli — I am so far behind I may never catch up! I still have house to clean and about 12 paid articles to write! Yikes!

    1. Polona — it see4ms to be the season for haste. I know your test will go well, but I understand why you have to stress over it. If you didn’t, it might not go so well! 😉

  8. I feel for you! But I´m glad you´re back. It´s amazing how you get used to someone´s blog always being there and missing it when it´s gone. Hope you catch up with everything soon.

    1. Betty – -to catch up I may have to skip a few things, but don’t worry, I won’t skip eating, sleeping or bathing.

  9. I seem to function better when I’m busy. Not sure why that is. I think being busy is way better than being bored. Being overwhelmed…well that is another story.

    Hope things settle a bit. You will eventually catch up.

    1. Church Lady — for me there is a really fine line between busy and overwhelmed. If one thing slides out of it’s own time frame my carefully packed schedule gets unmanageable fast.

  10. Good grief, Quilly! I am absolutely amazed at how quickly you both have gotten into the swing of things in your new home. You are amazing!!! It would have taken me two days to make that vest even on my own machine.

    1. Kay — it is a stage costume, it isn’t fine sewing. No one ever sees it up close and personal. Plus, one year when I was in college I made vests for all of my friends. I got pretty quick at it.

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