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Attention Teachers & Parents: Field Trips For All

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Lunchables. All opinions are 100% mine.

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When the economy tanked the budgets of already under-funded schools were chopped even more severely. As a teacher it baffles me why children — our hope for a better future — are always the first ones shafted. Amoeba says that it’s easy to explain — kids don’t vote.

Well, luckily, even though the government and tax payers in general seem to have no wish to support the public schools, at least Lunchables is.  Lunchables is sponsoring a Field Trips For All contest.

A 2009 report from The American Association of School Administrators reveals that with school budgets so drastically reduced, over 56% of our nations schools will be cutting educational field trips. Educational research (and common sense) clearly indicate that experience is the best teacher, but the cost of seeing, doing, and experiencing are just too high per child, so field trips must go.

That’s where Lunchables comes in. Not only do they provide tasty meals (I’ve eaten more than a few as a teacher), they are going to help provide 50 classrooms with ultimate field trips. One of the places slated for field tripping is the cool alien encounter described above.

As a teacher I can tell you that nothing inspires questions and fuels learning as much as hands-on experience and field trips. Anyone age 6 and older can nominate a classroom for a field trip. Nominate a classroom you think would benefit from a Lunchables: Project Potential field trip today.

All of us are affiliated with a school or two in one way or another. Spread the news about Project Potential. Who knows, it just might be you who instigates the next great field trip for a classroom of kids.

Visit my sponsor: Field Trips For All


  1. Okay, I’ll admit. It’s a slow night. No youth group — pastor’s on vacation. Older child studying for Chem Exam. Younger child chillin’ because he has a band field trip to Hershey Park (amusement park) tomorrow. So I took the time to watch the video. And I have tears going down my face.

    Watching those kids be SUSPENDED in possibility and belief was a precious gift.

    Thank you, Quilly.

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