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Microfiction Monday #33

Susan from Stony River, welcomes us to Microfiction Monday,
where a picture paints just 140 characters.

If you’d like to join us, stop by Susan’s, pick up the picture prompt,
compose your story in 140 character (or less), post it,
and sign in at Susan’s place, then commence in the sharing!

This week’s offering is actually from my Amoeba:

“Orcs, dang it, Orcs! We needed Aragorn for the plot of this movie!”


  1. Well after finding out what Aragron it made sense and was great. I’m assuming that the Tolkiens movies/books that they are talking about a winged horse. Anyway it is a good one and gave me a good chuckle. 🙂 Happy Memorial Day :0

    1. John — is there a typo here? I couldn’t find it. And I never watch friends so I would have never known the difference.

  2. LOL. I love Amoeba’s take on this photo. Aragorn is definitely a must in the plot. It wouldn’t be the same without him. Take good care and have a wonderful week 🙂

  3. Oops! Burp!

    Well, Hollywood re-writes good books into terrible movies all the time, so perhaps Orcs was just being “creatively hungry.”

    Well done! (or perhaps medium rare?)

    1. Kelley – -oh dear. You, too? An orc is a gruesome creature created by evil to destroy man. The dragon isn’t named orcs, he is supposed to be eating them!

  4. I love love Aragon. Good idea to tie this picture to Tolkein.
    Casting can make or brake any adventure.
    Have a nice rest of your Holdiay weekend.

  5. Love Aragon! What a great take of the pic of the day! Casting is everything!! What a hoot! Enjoy the rest of your holiday weekend, Quilly!


  6. Those darn dragons are so uncooperative.
    Here I thought my problem was adolescence, maybe I’m raising a dragon,

  7. ouch! perhaps they should have fed the dragon first.
    i don’t remember tolkien mentioning aragorn being mistaken for lunch 😉

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