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    1. Church LAdy — I didn’t describe the picnic. I hadn’t been to it yet! The pics I have to share are from the previous days!

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    This time you aren’t telling us that the Internet AND Televison are broken? Oh, that’s right, it’s mandatory. Oh well, snce you gotta go have fun on the beach and eat the good foods. 🙂
    Is your camera charged? I know, too late to ask you once again.
    Since you missed TV I will tell you about it. Paul McCartney sang a very good rendition of Michelle for, not the pres, but for Michelle. She grinned from ear to ear!
    There was a lot more. I loved it all!

    1. Jim, my camera is charged enough to take 500 pictures. I have only taken 43. I am being conservative because Friday we are going to the volcano! And it doesn’t really matter whether the TV is broken or not since I don’t watch it.

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        Quilly, be careful where you step over at the volcano. Well, not really up at the volcano but when you come back down and explore the lava flow.
        Some it is crusty on top but is red hot (actually red with fire hot) and flowing underneath. Like walking on a hardened snow drift but you could break through. You will losea foot for sure if it doesn’t hold you

          1. .
            You are back and safe but not all of that running lava was in the park back when we visited. The flow goes all the way to the south to the beach. That is Black S and Beach or near it. A peek at the current park map shows that the park may now encompass the part where were were roaming.

            We could take the road to where it was stopped first by a barrier and then by the flowing crusted lava. Now maybe the park rangers have shut off those roads.

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