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Follow the Leader

I had an appointment this morning with the island’s former Avon Lady.  She not only placed a nice order, she directed me to one of her former, very loyal customers — who placed an order and directed me to one of her friends, who directed me to one of her friends, who directed me to one of her friends.

Not only that, but when I got home today I had a phone message asking me to call someone else who had picked up a book at the fair.  She placed an order, too!  In the last two days I have gained 5 new (ordering) customers and 6 potential customers, plus I’ve doubled my highest order to date.  Now I just need a plan to keep this momentum going.  Anyone have any ideas?

Tomorrow I am taking a book to a clerk at the grocery store and I’m giving her an extra to leave in the break room.  I’m also going to stop by the local clinic and put a couple of Avon books in their magazine piles.  I’m thinking I might do the same at the dentist’s office. Another friend said she’d put a couple on the benches in the ladies locker room at the gym. I already leave books in both the coffee shops and the laundromats.  What am I missing?


  1. The offices. You´re missing them. We have Avon books in our break room and there are always a few that make orders. Good luck!

  2. I guess the days of the Avon lady going door to door/house to house are over? I suggest an open house around the holidays where you can invite your neighbors and friends and have cash and carry items available for them to purchase, giveaways, discounts and refreshments. It always generated extra income for me with Mary Kay.

  3. I agree with Betty about offices. My mom and her coworkers used to order everything that came around, from Avon to kids’ school fundraisers.

    1. Amanda — one of my first customers came from a book I left in the post office. There is already an Avon Lady who works at our local bank (remember, population 2500).

  4. Take a free ride on the Interisland and leave books at the ferry terminals. Maybe the ferries too.

    1. Amoeba — has anybody ever told you that you are brilliant? If I didn’t already have a mate, I am certain I would fall madly in love with you. :*

  5. I think you’ve thought of pretty much everything – especially for a teensy town of 2500! We had a splash pad/park date with our (littlest) kids a couple weeks ago and had an Avon Lady going around giving all the moms samples of sunscreen (in tiny paper cups) and asking if we wanted books to order from which seemed like a great idea, although she herself was very pushy, which was a turn off. If you could do it in a less in-your-face way, which I’m sure you could, that would be an idea. 🙂

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