Muffed Target #12
Thom has taken over Gattina’s meme invention, Muffed Target Photo Meme. The idea is to share our photos that didn’t turn out. Come on, you know we all have them! You share yours and I’ll share mine!
That hideous black spot on lovely Hannah’s nose is a lady bug. It wasn’t on Hannah at all. It was on my camera lens!
ROFLMAO…too funny. I’m sure Hannah isn’t at all amused. But there again she might be I don’t know her. Thanks for playing 🙂
Thom — I didn’t send her the pics with the lady bug and I doubt she reads my blog!
That’s a pretty impressive photo for a muffed target!
Karen — I think it would have been a lovely portrait if it weren’t for that buggy critter!
Damn bugs get everywhere! LOL
Akelamalu! Indeed! Apparently they like open air concerts just as much as we do!
Oh no! Silly bug.
Barbara — I think it was the song Hannah was singing — “Stormy Weather” — the lady bug thought it was a forecast so found a sheltered place to wait it out. 😉
A bugging bug. But, the photo turned out quit interesting. Have a wonderful week 🙂
Rosidah — thanks. The bug was buggy. Hope your week is great, too!
Oh my goodness… I hope Hannah is the FORGIVING sort…
Melli — I don’t think Hannah said how she felt about the bug one way or the other …;)
Gosh, hahaha !
Gattina — what are the odds …?
Lol at the Lady Bug!!!! I guess she just wanted her picture taken too!
Teresa — she was a little too close to the lense for it to focus on her!
A Lady Bird on your lens? Too funny!!
Hey Quilly I stopped by to let you know I ordered the Book Let’s Do Lunch because of your post I hope it is still working well for you I am going to give it a try! Thanks for doing the post I hope it reached lots of people!
Amanda — now I check for hangers on!
The book is still working for me and I am feeling slimmer even though I am not looking slimmer. I hope it works for you, too!
Grin 😀
I’ve seen a lot of things,but not anything like this 😀
Ladybug on the lens,… *fat grin*
Poor Hannah!
(are you SURE it wasn’t a tiny alien?)
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