The Muffed Target #18
The Muffed Photo Meme is sponsored by Thom “Bite Me” Robinson, and can be found every Tuesday (actually usually as early as Monday afternoon) on his blog, Thom’s Place 4 Well, Whatever. Believe me, this meme really fits in his “well whatever” category:
Each Tuesday post a completely crazy, messed up photo — one you would normally delete. The subject matter isn’t important — did you take a picture of your thumb? The lens cap? The wrong half of great Aunt Betty? (Really, she usually has a head …) Or perhaps you’ve got a shot of your own nose hairs taken while you were trying to determine why the flash wasn’t working. Whatever your photo goof is, we want to see it!
So, let’s all expose our photo flubs. You show me yours and I’ll show you mine!

No explanation necessary. Poorly focused.
The wasp looks so close to the camera. I’m amazed to see all her details even though it got blurred. I also love to see her shadow. Wishing you all the best for 2011, Quilly. May even more joy and bliss come into your life 🙂
Rosidah — I used a zoom lens. I didn’t want to get too close!
Okay I’ve got to say it the only thing wrong with this photo I thought was it’s upside down. LOL I mean yes the outside around the wasp is blurry but other than I’d be proud of it. Thanks for playing.
Thom — the wasp was on the house siding at about knee level. I took this photo from above it looking down.
And you wanted a picture of this because why?! Is that a roach?
Linda — wasp — and because I could!
Eooww! In focus enough to creep me out…insects, though beautiful in construction, are one of my basic fears in the world. Would have been a great shot outside of the focus. You have a terrific eye for composition Quilly. : )
DJ Kathy — thank you. I once had a professional stop me from taking formal classes. He said if I didn’t want to go pro, all the knowledge would do is mess up my natural instincts and mold me into a business photographer rather than an artist.
Ditto the above comments. And, ewwww, I hate bugs with a passion — focussed or unfocussed! lol.
Gigi — living in Hawaii makes it easy to hate bugs. I don’t mind them outside where they belong, but I detest them in my home!
That should satisfy Mr. Bite Me.
Doug — not that he would admit it!
I think that it just looks “artsy.”
Mama Zen — your “art” is my “oops”!
Some of what I thought were mistakes have ended up being my favorites. Interesting post proposition.
Monkey Man — I have a spectacular hummingbird shot like that.
I would be shooting it with something other than a camera. 🙂
Barbara — I did, too. shhh …..
What a great idea. I’m sure that I have some terrible pictures still hiding in my memory. I hit delete pretty quickly — LOL! Maybe I’ll take a look through…
Happy 2011!
Traci — please join us. The more folks we can make fun of, the happier we are!
I have to second Rosidah’s comment. I hope you used a zoom lens.
Karen — a zoom lens it was, but I still stood pretty close. I am allergic to bees, but wasps don’t bother me. It is a different type of venom.
I’m glad it wasn’t any more in focus than that!
I’m hearing buzzing now….
Karen — it was a zoom lens. The poor little thing was a couple of feet away.
That’s close enough!!
I really dislike flying, stinging bugs…but this is not such a bad shot. It would be better if the bug was an ex-living bug!
Did you give her some beer ? she looks boozed ! lol !
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