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Friday Harbor Labs, UW

Come see where Amoeba works.  Dave Hays, a UW film making class student, interviewed Hillary, one of the TAs who works with Charley (Amoeba) and Megan in their “ZooBot” class which is an entire quarter (16 credits: Marine Zoology 5 credits; Marine Botany 5 credits; and a Research Apprenticeship in Intertidal Ecology and Physiology for 6 credits).   Hillary is currently working on her PhD focusing on the study of the interactions of marine organisms with their environment.

That might all sound intimidating, but the video below makes it easy to understand and gives you a glimpse of Amoeba’s working environment.

Quilly is the pseudonym of Charlene L. Amsden, who lives on The Big Island in Hawaii. When she is not hanging out with Amoeba, she is likely teaching or sewing. Or she could be cooking, taking photographs, or even writing. But if she's not doing any of that, she's probably on Facebook or tinkering with her blog.


  1. What a cool video! I was thinking about Amoeba and his work when I read the latest National Geographic magazine! There is an interesting article in it right up his alley!

    Miss you but glad you’re having fun.

  2. Loved the peek into Amoeba’s world! While I’m not actually a fan of getting IN the ocean, I am fascinated by it and I could spend every day at the shore (if only). On another note, it took me back to my childhood in the wildlife preserve. It was a little drier (lol), but still that same stimulating environment of students and staff doing research and I always had my nose right in the middle of it.

  3. This is fabulous! These ocean creatures are so beautiful! I really appreciate you for sharing this…thanks.

  4. This is such a great video. Amoeba’s work looks very interesting. I can see how you can fall in love with his job.

  5. Great video! Fun to see what Amoeba does and to see all those fascinating creatures. Thanks for sharing it.

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