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Friday Harbor Labs, UW

Come see where Amoeba works.  Dave Hays, a UW film making class student, interviewed Hillary, one of the TAs who works with Charley (Amoeba) and Megan in their “ZooBot” class which is an entire quarter (16 credits: Marine Zoology 5 credits; Marine Botany 5 credits; and a Research Apprenticeship in [...]

Dude and Dude: Ave Gravitas

“Uuhnngh … uuhnngh … uUungghh …” “Dude! Either turn off the video or close the do … what are you doin’ now?!?” “Buildin’ (oooOOF!) an altar, dude.” “A what?” “An altar, dude! Like I said the first time.” “OK, dude. To what?” “To gravity, dude. And ’cause it’s to gravity, [...]