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Post 201

I started my very first blog on Thursday, June 1. My first two comments came from my long-time friend, Tina, and Doug the Dawg. Now I visit Doug’s site daily. Back then I was too intimidated to even thank him for his comment. I mean, I popped over to do so, but he had close to 70 witty comments. What did he need with poor green me?

By Tuesday, June 27th, I’d picked up a few commenters — most of whom are still hanging around today. In July my blog was pretty much taken over by my cats, and readership blossomed (if you missed them and want to read those Cat tales, see the link in the lefthand sidebar). I also shared my first, Wordless Wednesday.

In August I introduced poetry, and held the Liar’s Contest. The contest was bold and shameless — which only goes to figure since they were liars. Cheating was highly encouraged and wildly embraced. August also brought me my own winning fame when I participated in my first, Caption Contest, at Sar’s, Belle of the Brawl. August also brought the beginning of school and the sharing of my Three #1 Rules. My readers had some problem with the concept of three #1’s, but 5th graders seldom do.

September brought my family to blogging: my niece, Cindra Jo, followed rapidly by her sister (also my niece), Brooke, Cindra’s husband, Tom, and Cindra’s and Brooke’s mother (one of my sisters), Jackie.

So far October has brought me to post 201 and all of you. Thank you for making me welcome here and fitting me into your time. You are — each and every one of you — a blessing and a joy.

Quilly is the pseudonym of Charlene L. Amsden, who lives on The Big Island in Hawaii. When she is not hanging out with Amoeba, she is likely teaching or sewing. Or she could be cooking, taking photographs, or even writing. But if she's not doing any of that, she's probably on Facebook or tinkering with her blog.


  1. Quilly-Sister, aren’t you just a blessing and a joy yourself!!!! I’m glad you have so much fun with your blogging. You do it well. You have it all….I laughed, I cried, etc. etc. LOL xoxoxoxox

  2. I appreciate all my blog friends, too.

    I missed yesterdays post but read it today….the Anne Murray song was played at my first wedding.

    At my second wedding, we did not have a band because we only had 30 people…proabably should have had a piano player though….something.

  3. You are the queen mother of the family blogosphere. You know what they say, “The family that blogs together.. uh, well, get along real good.” So, thanks for inviting us into you world and your world is truly a blessing to all of us.

    Cheers, TM

  4. oh hon, it is us, I that thank you for letting us into your world. i have you and all your beautiful family as friends of the mind but even better of the heart..

    your blog is fun, and no matter what they i come here i always get something new and exciting. thank you.

    i love you very much. i am sorry i have been neglecting many of your post..i will get back here regularly. hugs. you are a wonderful person, i know that, we all know that. i’m most Thankful for you hon.

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