Suddenly Popular
I glanced at my sitemeter and thought it must have freaked out. There is no way I had over 100 visits in two hours so early in the morning on New Year’s Day.
I clicked on the numbers to check my statistics. Whoa! Eleven people reading my blog all at the same time? No way. I pinched myself, then I checked my pulse. I wondered if I was dreaming. How the heck did I suddenly become so popular?
That’s when I got the email from Bobby. The light dawned. Here’s a wave to all you folks from The Bestest Blog of All-Time, and a special thanks to Alessia for reviewing my blog.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year quilldancer! I hope that 2007 is great year for you. 🙂
Thanks, Kyah! I wish the same for you as well.
Congrats on being Bestest Blog! And, Happy New Year.
Thanks, NoMas. Happy New Year to you, too!
See? I told you you were good …
OC — so far 432 visitors today, an only two new commenters. It’s like drive-by blogging. I don’t even believe most of them stop to read. They just see my fancy header and gag (sound familiar?).
Quilly-Sister, you rock! Love you.
Jackie — I love you, too!
Hey, congratulations! And Happy New Year as well.
Hey, Silver! Thank you — and Happy New Year!
Congrats on being bestest blog today. 2007 is starting out good for you already.
Happy New Year Quill
Bill – thanks! The Bestest Blog thing is a rerun, but according to my hit counter a lot of folks have run through here today. Only about 3 strangers have posted though — and who knows how many will come back?
coo, you are a starry star of blogworld!
Charlie — just one in a multitude; with no particular dazzling features …
Wow…so that is who I have to get to know better. Alessia? Do you think she likes flowers or is it just good writing?
Minka — first you have to sign up on Bobby’s Blog. THEN you have to be reviewed.
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