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Ice Cream & Bologna

The school had the second quarter rewards party today for the kids who made their behavior and academic goals. We have a system set up where the kids can earn “school cash” which spends at the student store for healthy, low-fat, low-sugar snacks or school supplies. The money can also be saved to buy an admission ticket to a special reward.

This semester’s reward was a kickball game, followed by build-them-yourself ice cream sundaes. Because I am watching what I eat, I choose to be the grade level teacher who stayed with the kids that couldn’t, or didn’t want, to go — turns out that worked really well. I had only 6 kids, and the music teacher took them! I sat and visited with a few other teachers while grading math tests.

At the end of their reward period, the kids were just finishing their ice cream sundaes. As they entered my classroom still sticky from their treats, I gave them a hard time. “Hey, where’s mine?” I asked. “How come nobody brought me any ice cream?”

Jose immediately answered, “I didn’t want yours to melt, Miss, so I ate it for you.”

I said, dryly, “That was very considerate of you.”

He clasped his hands to his heart. “It was a sacrifice, but you’re worth it.”

Quilly is the pseudonym of Charlene L. Amsden, who lives on The Big Island in Hawaii. When she is not hanging out with Amoeba, she is likely teaching or sewing. Or she could be cooking, taking photographs, or even writing. But if she's not doing any of that, she's probably on Facebook or tinkering with her blog.


  1. Uhm, behaviour points are rewarded with sugar at school?

    To make it more amusing for the teachers why not feed them the icecream then do the kickball? Guaranteed results!

  2. Bazza — somehow I think you’d feel differently if it were your ice cream he’d “saved” from melting.

    Morgan — for 5th grade, the ice cream Sundae was given just before they were sent home. With the younger kids, half ate while half played, then they switched. That’s how one accommodates several hundred kids at a build-your-own-sundae table.

  3. sugar at school

    That’s why they call them treats. I for one can remember when such things were only available on rare occasions, instead of on a daily basis like in most places today.

    I thought you taught reading, Quilly. Not acting … ‘course, maybe they get it by osmosis from the Strip …

  4. Ha! Now I have it in writing, by a bonafide teacher! (“Morgan — for 5th grade, the ice cream Sundae was given just before they were sent home.” )
    I knew those kids ate sugar before getting on the bus to go home! We have some kids that ride our buses to and from school even though ours are public transportation, not school buses.

  5. Silver — Jose is a riot.

    Dr. John — they let you eat your own ice cream? How sad. 😀

    OC — in my class room sugar is available on very rare occassions. I can’t vouch for other classrooms — and I guarantee the lunch room provides too much.

    Brooke — I teach people. They get to be who they are — monstly. I do frown on displays of temper, but displays of wit are encouraged.

    Cindy — parties are always at the end of the day. That isn’t an accident. The thought is, “let their parents deal with them.” My kids all walk, so I don’t have to worry about the bus drivers.

    Doug — that would be a sweet job.

  6. Gawpo — I complain about management and policy, but the kids keep me wading through all the stupidity and red tape. I love working with children.

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