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Quilly is the pseudonym of Charlene L. Amsden, who lives on The Big Island in Hawaii. When she is not hanging out with Amoeba, she is likely teaching or sewing. Or she could be cooking, taking photographs, or even writing. But if she's not doing any of that, she's probably on Facebook or tinkering with her blog.


  1. Donna — I have this little voice in my head that insists on telling me I’m not good enough. Most of the time I don’t listen to it anymore, but sometimes it still gets to me.

  2. It’s funny how you get an impression of somebody from their blog, and yet in your case you constantly surprise me. Apologies for missing your birthday, Happy belated.

  3. HE is one of my absolutely FAVORITE poets of all time! I have all his books and just LOVE him dearly! And that is a great one!

  4. Bazza — now what about this surprised you? Surely not the sentiment of the poem?! Surely not the fact that this man often embraced “silly” and “fun” and encouraged children to do the same? Those seem pretty consistent with me, don’t they? Oh, please, tell me you didn’t think I never have a bad day, or live doubt-free? Heavens!

    Melli — I grieved when he died, and I think a good bit of fun went out of the world that day. I am thankful, though, that he left a good bit behind and it is still capturing the minds and imaginations of children today. His books are favorite oral reads of my students. Not only do they ask me to read, they often willingly — in fact — willfully, read them aloud to each other. That is true treasure.

  5. Isn’t he wonderful. I gave two of his books to my granddaughters and it is looking one hundred years old from use. šŸ™‚

  6. I’m sorry it was a bad day. I hope today is better. And if not, Dr. Brig prescribes one solitary bon-bon. With caramel. While sitting in the bath with your favorite bubble bath. You should very carefully eat the chocolate, while leaving the caramel intact. This process should take no less than 20 minutes. If it doesn’t make you feel better, go to sleep and try again tommorow, and be certain that three bad days in a row aren’t allowed to happen. šŸ˜‰

  7. Polona — especially those days when the rain is in one’s soul.

    Brig — I’d drop the bonbon and cover myself in chocolate, making the bath necessary, rahter then luxury. Honest.

  8. Having read your response to my comment, it occurred to me that I hadn’t commented on your post, but your response to Donna. Sometimes comments and responses are as entertaining and illuminating as the blog itself.

  9. Bazza — somestimes even more entertaining and illuminating then the blog/post itself! And that little voice has been my nemises for years — and is likely the reason for what success I do have, but it seldom lets me enjoy them.

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