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Deedle-Deedle Dumpling

Harry is still wearing the crocs two sizes too big — sort of. When they fall off his feet, he just keeps on keepin’ on, and pays them no mind. Shoes or barefoot — what’s the difference?

This morning when he was getting out of the car, Harry fell in the mud hole we euphemistically call the parking lot. He landed on his knees with his forearms and hands in the mud. He stood up crying, tears mixing with the mud on his cheeks and dripping off his chin. His mama brought him in the classroom and we cleaned him all up. Once he was washed and in clean clothes (every child has at least one set in the classroom) we realized his shoes were missing. Mom retrieved them from the mud and we rinsed them in the sink (gotta love plastic shoes) and left them to air dry.

Harry didn’t want to stay in school. He was all for calling this day over and heading back to bed, but within moments we’d cajoled him out of it and set him down with his phonics. After the phonics the kids all moved to the morning welcome center for calendar activities. During calendar activities, the speech therapist came in and took Harry, AnaLee and Maddy for their sessions. About 30 minutes later Ms. Alyce realized Harry’s shoes were still by the sink. About 20 minutes after that, the speech therapist brought the kids back.

They were 10 minutes late, and we were waiting to do our daily alphabet aerobics (a little stretching and movement, a lot of singing alphabet songs). Ms. Shirley said, “I’m sorry we’re late. Harry’s shoes are missing. We’ve searched my office completely and can’t find them. He doesn’t remember when he had them last.”

Ms. Alyce told her that Harry had left the room — and walked clear across campus (and back again) without his shoes. Ms. Jewls said, “Harry, when you left, why didn’t you tell us your shoes were missing?

Harry said, “Cuz I didn’t knowed.”

Ms. Alyce handed Harry his shoes. “Put them on,” she said. He complied. Ms. Jewls told him to run to join his classmates because it was time for alphabet aerobics. Harry turned and dashed to his exercise spot. His shoes stayed behind where he’d been standing. Ms. Jewls called, “Harry, where are your shoes?”

He grinned big, pointed toward his feet and said, “Right here, Ms. Jew —.” He looked down, then back up, his eyes round with shock. “They goned again!”

Hmmmm. The field trips tomorrow and Friday ought to be fun.

Quilly is the pseudonym of Charlene L. Amsden, who lives on The Big Island in Hawaii. When she is not hanging out with Amoeba, she is likely teaching or sewing. Or she could be cooking, taking photographs, or even writing. But if she's not doing any of that, she's probably on Facebook or tinkering with her blog.


  1. I’m of two minds here. Part of me is worried about troubles such as diabetes which can cause a loss of sensation in the kid’s feet. But the other part of me rejoices that someone else is rebelling against the fashion nightmare that are crocs. (Thankfully I only see them in airports, as few people from Europe would dare put them on.)

  2. Doug — possibly, but I’m thinking shoelaces might be a better solution.

    Morgan — Harry has many sensory issues. Somethings over-stimulate him while other things are totally beyond his notice. The doctors don’t know why this is, but believe me, he sees plenty of them.

  3. Oh dear me! I’m the kind of teacher (even sub) that would be out buying Harry a special pair of “school shoes” — and depositing the too big crocs in his cubby! LOL! Where ya goin’ on the field trip?

  4. Melli — we have a whole cupboard full of extra clothes and shoes. Thing is, Harry loves his shoes and is broken-hearted when we take them from him. Today we probably won’t even try because we’re going on a train ride and he won’t be required to walk much. Tomorrow we’re going to the ZOO!

  5. well, i certainly don’t envy you these trips… but think of all the potential blog fodder they might provide 🙂

  6. How about putting shoes on the kid, laced tightly and double knotted, then handing him the crocks in a clear plastic bag? Or just explaining that crocs aren’t cool?

  7. I see a lot of kids that just flat out refuse to wear shoes. I once got a phone call at home trying to find out where some girl’s shoes as her parents were there to pick her up and no shoes were to be found. I believe they were in our company van where she took them off and no one noticed as they were so used to her not having shoes to begin with.

  8. When I was a kid I liked to go barefoot. I lost a number of shoes. I hate shoes that up and walkaway on their own. I know how the poor kid feels.

  9. Polona — yep. Stay tuned.

    Morgan — in Hawaii, Crocs are cool (but , no, I do not — and will not — wear them). In truth, shoes are not mandatory on this part of Oahu and flip flops are considered formal footwear. Ms. Jewl took two heavy duty rubber bands and made ankle straps for Harry’s shoes. They worked remarkably well. We called them redneck slippers.

    Jill — I’m not a kid and I pretty much hate shoes.

    SN — I was once one of those kids — and sometimes still am!

    Dr. John — sympatico!

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