Guess What I Heard About Your Doctor?
I just found this cool website online, CheckMD, that let me check out my personal doctor’s back ground. I checked on my Doctors in Vegas. I checked on a doctor I used long ago back home. I was surprised to find that they all came up. (They are all still practicing.)
There is a place on each Doctor’s webpage where you can read about any disciplinary actions taken against them. There’s a place where you can write and leave a review. AND there’s a place where the doc can set up his/her own webpage. None of my docs had done so yet, but this is a very new site.
I found it quite interesting. You might, too.
Oooo ooo ooo! I have one I WANNA check out!!! LOL! Actually … a couple of ’em!
Melli — I think this will be a much better site once people start posting reviews, so post a couple!
very interesting 🙂
Yea… neither of the doctors I was checkin’ on showed up! Doesn’t surprise me though for where I live…
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