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Company Comes to Visit

Early on New Year’s Day, our neighbors to the east came out, got in their car and left home.  I noted this with interest because they are a multi-car family of five and I had never before seen them all pile into the same vehicle.  I knew it was a momentous occasion.

About 5 minutes later I noticed the teen-aged daughter of our neighbor’s to the west.  I couldn’t help but notice her because she was standing in the driveway of our neighbors to the east, and I was on my way out to our carport to check the laundry.  She said, “Can you help me?” So I walked around our car and standing beside her was


I know that Kaya looks like a pitbull, but — since pit bulls are supposedly mean, vicious creatures — she can’t possibly be one.  Despite being several years old, Kaya is full of puppy wiggles and cuddles and love.

Kaya belongs to the neighbors to our east — the people that had just left home.  Now, we often see Kaya when her people leave home because she comes to the fence to visit us (never to bark or growl), but generally not this side of the fence.  The neighbor girl wanted to know how to put Kaya back in her own yard.  We tried the gate.  It was locked — which left the question, “How did Kaya get out?”

Last time Kaya was out, she had broken the gate, but as OC pointed out to the neighbor girl and I, it had been very well mended.  So, “How did Kaya get out?”  Not that it made any difference how she got out, she was out and the bigger question was, how to get her back in.

We didn’t waste much energy on that.  The teenage girl, who had been joined by her boyfriend, was dressed for the beach and her fella was packing a cooler.  I opened our gate, called Kaya into our yard and bid the couple, “Have a nice day”.

Kaya was more than content to follow OC around while he did the yard work and OC was content with that as well — except when he sat on the ground to pull weeds and Kaya sat in the weeds so he would pet her.  Kaya and I enjoyed that much more than OC seemed to.

OC got all of the outside shores done.  The plants have been repotted.  The garden has been weeded and seeded.  We discovered one of our orchids is about to bloom and the Christmas Cactus came inside to share it’s beauty.

And still the neighbors hadn’t come home.  It was dinner time.  OC came in to eat.  Kaya stretched out on the rug in the carport by our back door.  After dinner, OC turned the TV on to watch a bit of sports while I did the dishes.  About the time night fell, the fireworks came out again.  Kaya was a nervous wreck.  OC went outside and sat on the steps.  Kaya tried to cuddle up in his lap.  Finally we decided to let her in our house.

I was certain she would do what she did all day and cling to OC, but instead she glued herself to my side.  I was at the table with my laptop and Kaya stood beside me for quite some time, but finally she joined OC on the living room floor.

Around 9 p.m. we heard the magic sound of the garage door opening, and knew Kaya’s people were home.  Kaya shot straight for the door, where she did a joyous tap dance while waiting for the slow people to catch up and open it.  She did the same tap dance at the gate, where OC made her wait until her people noticed she was in the wrong yard.

Her people were happy that we kept Kaya safe, and they went in search of her escape route.  It seems she had broken the gate on the other side of their house as well.  The son said he would fix it right away, and he must have done so because when Kaya’s people went to work yesterday she stayed in her yard.


  1. Now this is the kind of Company to have. Happy to see you, happy to help out and be a friend but happy to leave at the end of the day.

    Dare we say I can see a new venture ~ Quilly and OC’s Babysitting service for the neighbourhood critters.

    A Blessed Weekend is wished for you both.

  2. How lucky Kaya and her people are to have you and OC as great neighbors willing to host a temporarily homeless dog. Makes me wish we could have pets in our building…

  3. That is a very nice story and it is nice to share a dog and not have the resposibility for it. Hope you had a good day today. 🙂

  4. Nice story, nice dog. We had a pit bull next door when I was a kid who was a sweetheart, too.

  5. Bill — for us that is the only kind of pet possible — our lease forbids us to keep a pet.

    Exbor — I would like to have a pet of my own, too. As it is we had to notify the landlord (who lives very nearby) that we had a furry visitor and why.

    Melli — that adventure gene is why we thought Kaya was probably safest in our yard. She does, after all, look like a pit bull, even if she doesn’t behave like one. We didn’t want her friendly, inquisitive nature getting her shot.

    Amber — sharing the love and not the responsibility is kind of nice.

    Doug — I seriously doubt you were ever a kid who was a sweetheart …. You were likely a lively, rambunctious puppy.

  6. Lol ! that’s what happens with Yanouk once too, he got out of his garden and couldn’t get in so we let him in ours and he was really happy because of the cats ! The cats a little less because he jumped around like an elephant and no fence was between them. Only Arthur stayed on the patio and watched him. Later my friend (and neighbor) got him back all surprised how he managed to get out of her garden !

  7. We took a pit bull/lab to our house for a little visit…he stayed for six years until he passed away. He was the best dog in the world, but he looked like he could be trouble. Bless you my friend for making sure Kaya stayed safe.

  8. That was very nice of you……I don’t know much about pit bulls except they can be like any dog, mean if they are made that way. I think with all dogs it has to do with how they are treated. But I don’t know. Anyway she certainly looks nice.

    You will end up with a babysitting job, haha

  9. all the noise must have made the pets anxious… kaya looks a sweetie – so glad you could give her shelter while her folks were away

  10. Oh Quilly, I love this story. You are such good neighbors. Reba & I are so happy that you kept Kaya safe, and that you & OC had such a nice day visiting with her. You’ve helped me realize that Reba couldn’t possibly be a Rottweiler, she’s much too friendly and loving for that… must just ‘look’ like a Rotti. LOL!! And her parents and on up the line being Rottweilers just doesn’t matter.

    Beautiful Christmas Cactus!! I have a small one with red flowers, but I don’t ‘bring it in’. It lives inside full time or it dies.

    Have a wonderful day.

  11. Gattina — at first my neighbors seemed to look at us askance, as though we were somehow responsible for Kaya being out. Then they checked out their fence and found another broken gate.

    Shelly — I had a precious Lab/Malmute/wolf mix who stood hip high and looked like trouble coming, but he was pure love (unless he thought I was threatened).

    Kila — so were we!

    Nea — I pretty much agree. I did have a cat once that was just plain mean, so I suppose it is possible to get a dog that way, but I think for the most part it is how they are raised.

    Bazza — for the most part we live in a wonderful neighborhood.

    Juliana — all the noise made me a little anxious, too!

    Alice — yep. Kaya is pure love in doggy shape. The shape just happens to resemble pit ball is all. I don’t see why the same can’t be true for Reba and Rottweilers.

  12. My mom’s little Bichon has a uncanny knack of figuring out how to get out of the yard and go on an adventure…fortunately we’ve always managed to find him-though, I have to wonder if he has any illegitimate puppies in the neighborhood (since we didn’t get him fixed until he was 9).

  13. I continue to be a stranger to blogland. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. Happy New Year to you. I hope I can spend more time visiting blogs this year. 🙂

  14. I saw you comment about how you wandered away from my blog to follow one of my rabbit trails and forgot to come back. I haven’t figured out how to do the coding for “open another window” for the links.

    Sham Wow guy isn’t an infomercial it is just a commercial.

  15. That would be YOUR comment. 🙂 I’m very tired tonight. Went shopping with my dil and as my daughter says, “She is a hard core shopper!”

  16. I thought I had commented on this post, I read it, but somehow forgot to comment! Must be getting old!
    She looks like such a sweet dog! How good of you to have kept her safe in your house!

  17. SN — dogs are smart. Dog owners need to be smarter!

    Betty — to be sure!

    Robert — I know you’re busy. Look forward to hearing from you when you have time.

    Amber — so, have you found the code now? 😉

    Andrew — better than State Farm?

    Jientje — I have done the same thing many times!

  18. Dear Guilty.
    I was just at Raven’s and I really enjoyed your comment. It made me chuckle.
    I scanned down your blog and when I saw this cute doggie face, I just had to read all about it.
    So nice!! And as I read the end of it, I felt a little sad and felt that your house was a little bit empty after that sweetheart was gone!
    I really do believe that Kaya had a good time and I am glad that she wasn’t in her own back yard when all those noisy fireworks were going on because who would have ever comforted her like you guys did?
    Another thing I liked about this story is the care that those two kids had for the dog’s safety,
    So many times these days the young people are put down and yet there are so many good ones, in fact most of them are!
    That teenage girl and her boyfriend gave me a warm feeling in my heart.

    I love the way that you told this true story!
    from Terry[Teresa] in cold, cold Canada

  19. Dear Quilty.I am so sorry that I mispelled your name.
    I am still trying to get used to this lap top.
    I find it much harder to type into than my PC.
    It is hard to teach an old dog new tricks,eh?
    Thanks so much for your visit to my blog. I wasn’t even expecting it and it was really nice.
    I have to be family and friend orientated because Bernie and I have no kids.
    We just have one spoiled cat!
    Have a great day.
    I want to read some more of your stories.
    I like true stories that are full of humor….Terry

    Guilty,,,,Aw what was I thinking,eh?

  20. She does look like a happy girl.
    So, you and OC had such a fun day of it….have you thought of getting your own to have around the house?

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