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Punny Monday #12

What plural noun does this photo represent? EMAIL your answers and leave a comment designed to either help or confuse your fellow game players.

The first contestant to EMAIL me the right answer wins a featured link in my blog which will display until next Monday when we’ll play this little game again. Enjoy.

PLEASE, do not write your guess in the comments. It spoils the game for the other players. Your guesses will be shared when the game ends.


March 23rd, 12:02 a.m. — Barbara — paper towels


March 23rd, 12:16 a.m. — Alastair — paper towels

March 23rd, 12:56 a.m. — Dr. John — paper towels

March 23rd, 01:01 a.m. — Doug — paper towels

March 23rd, 2:06 a.m. — Betty — paper towels

March 23rd, 04:14 a.m. — Melli — paper towels

March 23rd, 04:38 a.m. — Jeff — paper towels

March 23rd, 04:55 a.m. — Raven — paper towels

March 23rd, 06:57 a.m. — Carletta — paper towels

March 23rd, 06:58 a.m. — Tina — paper towels



March 23rd, 06:22 a.m. — Nessa — bathroom journalism



March 23rd, 12:16 a.m. — David — the news is really dry today

March 23rd, 03:28 a.m. — Thom — paper hangers; paper racks

March 23rd, 04:01 a.m. — Melli — Drier Sheets

March 23rd, 06:22 a.m. — Nessa — bat news

March 23rd, 07:30 a.m. — Mar — up-down cues; top news


  1. wow, do people stay up late/get up early for this! This is the fastest I’ve probably ever commented following a post…and I’m fourth!

    Think I’ve got this 🙂

  2. How can people figure this out so quickly…I can’t even come up with a guess…my head hurts yet again…oops…Thom – Quit Whining

  3. I updated my post from yesterday because I was a snotty brat. Go look. And I am sending you my sooooo wrong guesses.

  4. Two right in a row! After several weeks of getting it wrong and one of getting it late. I’m happy. You just never know with these things — sometimes it just jumps out at me, other times I can’t get it at all.

    I really like David and Nessa’s answers. 🙂

  5. Barbara — by golly, I think you’re right! 😉

    Mar — had you spilled the coffee, you might have gotten the answer!

    David — ha! You can’t think them up, but not solve them? That’s happened to me, too!

    Jienjte — likely they go by another name in Belgium.

    Alastair — yep. People stay up all night just waiting — right Thom?

    Dr. John — I knew it was too easy when you got it! 😉

    Doug — look, I’m popular!

    Betty — you got it, but you’re right, not first.

    Thom — I can’t make them much easier than this one without writing the answer right on them.

    Melli — I wondered what was up with that first response!

    Raven — your answer didn’t pop out at me. It his in my spam folder, but I fished it out.

    Mar — I told you to spill it!

    Shelly — spill the coffee, and the answer will come to you — or you will go get it ….

    Nessa — I didn’t mind that you were being a snotty brat, I just wanted to know how I caused it. One never knows when such info might come in handy.

    Mar — it’s always that way.

    Cath — hey, that was good! You’re just upset because you goofed off and missed an easy one!

    Carletta — yeah, so did Dr. John. Definitely too easy. 😉

    Thom — only one of us is surprised by that. Too abstract.

    Barbara — you have to be the kindest, gentlest person in blogland. And a graceful and gracious winner, as well!

    Juliana — OC had a little trouble working his way past “news” to get to paper.

    Nessa — you DID have a clue — my picture is a clue! It’s not my fault you didn’t know how to use it!

    Zerilda — it sure is hard to sneak anything past you!

    Capsun — I think she slept on the keyboard waiting …..

  6. Well I feel better I’m in good company 🙂 So Quilly next week to make it easy for some of us please just write the answer 🙂

  7. Have been sick so missed these last two posts ….. and will be on spring break next week so won’t get a chance to guess then either. Not that I am usually right, just enjoy the challenge and thought processes of others! XOXOO

  8. Thom — I always write the answer — AFTER it’s been guessed!

    Caryl — why are YOU on Spring break? You have no job. You don’t go to school. What is it you’re taking a break from? (Oh, and I love you. XOXOX.)

  9. I swear I posted to your 1000th post last night…and I thought I’d seen that pun, too. Oh well, it has been a long day. 🙂

  10. Thom — keep making wild guesses and you can stay! 😉

    Amber — you did post to my 1000th post last night. It is right there near the bottom of the comments list. Honest.

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