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Tired, Stressed, Disillusioned

I can’t.  It is just too much work.  I used to love reading your blog posts — and I know I will again, but for right now it is just one more pressure.  I will visit as I can.  Please be patient with me.

In the meantime, Dr. John has reminded me that Thursday is 3WT, so get your pencils out.  Remember the words?

The 3WT #20 words will be:  acrasia; murklins; & oncethmus
Got it? Good! In that case: Your story is due on: July 23rd, 2009

Have fun and I’ll see you then.

Novel word count: 1394
6 resumes & job apps submitted


  1. Breathe easy. There shouldn’t be any pressure in blogging and what there is, we impose on ourselves. We’ll wait for you. And I’d have said that even if I were posting now, which I’m not.

  2. Quilly you take all the time you need, we will be here when you are able to return. For awhile I wasn’t able to see your blog, I wonder if it was my connection or your server was down.

    You take care of you.
    .-= Bill´s last blog ..One Word Answers ~ Or A Few More =-.

  3. It’s called priorities. You’ve got to handle the “real world” before worrying about us. We’ll be here when you’re ready, and we still love you. 🙂

  4. Don’t worry Quilly, we will always be there. Take your timae and take it easy. We’ll wait. Keeping our fingers and toes crossed in the mean time something far better will come your way. I’m sure it will.

  5. Well, guess I’ve taken some pressure off of you since I’ve not been blogging much lately. Summertime should be a calm, laid back, relaxing time of the year, and yet it seems to be even busier. Take care, relax, and come by when you can. Hugs!!
    .-= Alice in BC Canada´s last blog .."A Thousand Words In Idioms" =-.

  6. Girrrrrrrrrrl! Go write your book! I wanna READ it! And I might even have TIME after tomorrow! Maybe! We got SCHTUFF fixin’ to happen in the family again soon! OY!
    .-= Melli´s last blog ..Fun and Frustration! =-.

  7. Sorry you were stressed and too tired to read blog posts. I post scarcely enough that you didn’t miss out on anything at my place. I’m glad you are back to reading again, and I really do hope to read of good news regarding your job situation and loss of benefits.
    .-= Jamie Dawn´s last blog ..Adventures with Grandad: The Finale =-.

  8. Oh kiddo…I hear ya! I love reading everyone’s posts but sometimes we all just have to buckle down and do some “life stuff”…ayyeeee! Jobs, homes, gardens, friends, family…it’s all good…but it all takes time and energy. Write that book girl – and don’t forget to sign the copy that I buy 😉
    .-= Shelly´s last blog ..Boursin, Boating and Best Buddies =-.

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