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    1. Thom — time. I didn’t have time to visit all the wonderful people who were visiting me, so I didn’t think it was fair to keep playing.

  1. I agree!
    You lucky girl to get such a beautiful rose from your love, I can almost smell it! I always take pictures when I get flowers. They wither so soon, I always find that such a pity. If you take a picture, the memory lasts. I still have pictures from flowers I got fifteen or twenty years ago!
    .-= Jientje´s last blog ..Ruby Tuesday, Wooden Clogs =-.

    1. Jientje — Amoeba gave me these roses when I was so sick and he was leaving for the mainland. I took the photo so I could still see them when I got well. This is the best shot I got and as you can see, it is far from perfect.

    1. Akelamalu — thank you, not one of my best photos, but I decided to rejoin the group on the spur of the moment at about 11 p.m. last night!

  2. ….and you can’t beat a red, red rose like this photo!!!

    My R T is posted now, she’s a “Lady in Red” today…..
    Have a great Tuesday.
    .-= Hootin’ Anni´s last blog .. =-.

    1. Carletta — thank you for your kindness. i know this isn’t one of my better photos. I climbed out of my sick bed to take the picture and didn’t bother to change the lens.

  3. Hi Quilly, you are buzzing all over, I am glad you buzzed to RT today. I still envy your latest move. Mrs. Jim wouldn’t go there but once upon a time I was set to come and stay and teach. I even found a maybe job!
    I am sure where you are you have pretty flowers all over the place, isn’t is lovely? The best hot house in the world!
    Happy RT, thanks a lot for peeking in on my eating digs and your nice ‘clean comment.’ 🙂
    .-= Jim´s last blog ..The Jim Bunch Eats — Ruby (Red) Tuesday — at a 2-star restaurant =-.

  4. Looking at the rose made me think of my Mum, she loved her flowers and Roses were one of her favorites. Thanks for the quick trip down Memory Lane.

    Hope you find some employment soon,
    .-= Bill´s last blog ..Jock’s Lottery Wish =-.

  5. That’s a beautiful rose and a great capture Quilly. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment on my SWF post – I recognise you from Nicole’s. And if this rose is anything to go by I hope to see you on more photo memes in the future!
    .-= Janice´s last blog ..Amigos por el mundo =-.

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