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Photo Contest

I’ve entered one of my photos in a contest at Two 4 Tuesday.  The name of the contest is Hard – Soft, and my photo — which I took, titled and posted before the contest was announced, is here: Hard-n-Soft.  Would you pop on over to the contest website, give a look around and vote for your favorite photo?

Note, I did not ask you to vote for me, vote your conscience.  I happen to think I have one of the better photos on the site, but that could just be my ego!  There is also at least one there much better than mine.  If you vote for it I won’t be offended.


  1. Thank you, Jientje — and no, I didn’t find a way to comment there. One can only click on the names and look at their photos and add a photo of one’s own. Did you check it out? I think you should consider entering. Your pictures are always spectacular.

  2. I looked at every one of them! A lot of them only depicted hard OR soft – as far as I could tell… There were a few other good ones though! I really do like the harp one… and I liked the stream – but I think it’s been photo shopped. I voted for yours!
    .-= Melli´s last blog ..What A WEEKEND! And it ain’t over YET! =-.

    1. Melli — thank you. I very much liked the old man on the staircase. He is flesh and bone, soft, and his life looks very hard.

  3. Ok, I voted! And after looking at them all, I loved some of them (particularly the cemetery) but thought yours was definitely the best for the theme. Besides being a really lovely photo in all kinds of ways, you just don’t get much softer than a feather, or much harder than a stone!

    And then there’s Thom, entering the competition with no relevant photo. *sigh* I have a husband like that….
    .-= Susan at Stony River´s last blog ..Love and weeds and this and that =-.

    1. Susan — some of the photos didn’t seem to fit the prompt at all. A couple of them I liked much better than my photo so I won’t be voting for me.

      And here I thought Thom was unique …

  4. I screwed up. My vote for quilly showed up. I am the 10th vote. HOWEVER, I filled out the blanks below the list, and as a result my name shows up as one of the contestants!!!

    So how do I remove my name? I have no photo to share.
    .-= gigi-hawaii´s last blog ..Humane Society =-.

    1. Thumbelina — you probably looked at the Brazilian Cardinal shot, and yes, I have posted it previously on Quintessentially Quilly. However, the photo you must have voted for was my Hard-n-Soft photo, because it is the one with the embarassing number of votes!

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