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I have had another recipe accepted at Associated Content.  This one might actually make you a little bit happier.  It is for yummy Dijon Crab Balls, an appetizer  — or, as they’re called here, pupu — that is quick and easy to make but tastes like you worked all day.

Amoeba and I were invited to a pupu potluck just recently, and I whipped up this dish — made it myself with my own little brain and my own little two hands (and my own little food processor).  The recipe was a hit.  At first, every body politely took one, then a crowd gathered round the platter and the crab balls disappeared in short order.  Next time I’ll know to make two batches!

Oh bytheway, when you get to the Associated Content site, if you click on my name, it will take you to a page where you can see all three things I have published there.


  1. Jientje — I am certain in your “master chef” hands they will come out tasting even more spectacular than they did for me. If you would try the recipe and blog about it with a link to my Associated Content recipe, I would love you forever! (Just a hint, I will love you forever even if you don’t!)

  2. Well those look good — I would probably use real crab though…. I’m kind of a “crab snob” — comes from living on the Chesapeake Bay! And I’m not a bacon eater… but I would TRY them with the bacon… one never knows! I do eat BLT’s… but most other things I don’t like it on. I may try them and let the family decide though!

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