You Heard It Here First!
It is brand new and cutting edge and you heard it here first! There is a new book club on the world wide web and it is out to make a difference in your life and everyone else’s. The first thing that caught my attention was the tips page on where to buy and sell (and trade) books online to get the most book for your dollars.
Be the Change Bookclub is a little bookclub with a great big social conscience. I watched an absolutely fascinating video, Small is Possible: Life in a Local Economy. When the video first started the guy was slamming bio-fuels and I was all set to turn his little tirade off, when I realized that he was saying many of the same things my Amoeba has said — and those things this guy, Lyle Estill, had to say are the reasons Amoeba isn’t researching food -based bio-fuels. As I continued to listen I realized that Lyle Estill isn’t stopping at just naming some of the current problems facing bio-fuels research, he’s also putting forth some solutions and he’s asking others to join him in helping those solutions make a difference.
If “being green” is something that concerns you and you’re looking for ways to be even more environmentally aware, then this is definitely one site you want to check out! See you there!
The more book clubs the better. Always a good idea.
.-= Anthony North´s last blog ..PARANORMAL FLASH – THREE =-.
Tony — you’re working on being green. I thought the video might interest you, too. It is free to watch, no purchase required.
Our local library has online book clubs and I recently signed up; I love that idea. They e-mail you chunks of the book so you don’t have to worry about getting a copy before they run out, etc. One of the clubs is even pre-published books; you read the ARC!
We’re *very* green in Ireland, and I’ve been surprised here in WV that everything just goes to the landfill. You *can* recycle if you like, but there’s no incentive at all, and we’ve only got one small green box for a two-week pickup. What the—???
.-= Susan at Stony River´s last blog ..Oh Susanna! =-.
Sadly Dennis & I have gotten “less green” since the kids grew up. We don’t have the quantity of recyclables that we had when they were younger — we don’t use as many packaged products as we used to. More fresh fruits and veggies… less soda cans and bottles… So we’re actually LIVING greener… but not recycling as much I guess… We used to have the separate bins for everything and all that… unless we have a party or something, we mostly just toss our stuff all together now. I’m bad.
.-= Melli´s last blog ..A Great Day For A Meme… =-.
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