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Counting the Cost

You know, of course, that if you’re running your blog on a free-host site, that the service isn’t really free? Your service provider places ads on your content. Just because you can’t see the ads doesn’t mean they aren’t there. There is this handy-dandy piece of code that blocks the blog administrator and known users from seeing those ads (the same kind of code that keeps your stats counter from counting your visits to your blog).

Now, if you’re thinking — “No big deal. As long as my friends and I aren’t being bothered who cares?” — all is well and good. If you’re wondering why you’re giving all that money away (between July 26 & today I have made over $100.00 hosting my own ads) it is time to consider independent blogging.

You can get Cheap Web Hosting without giving up any of the features you already enjoy in your free-host blog. In fact, for those of you using the big B free-host, you can get one heck of a lot better service — and all for as little as $3.95 per month. Let me do the math for you: for $47.40 cents per year, you can have a website where you choose the template, set whatever widgets you want, and get live help 24/7. Imagine that — a help desk that actually helps! Dang, that’s worth $50.00 per year right there!

Cheap Web Hosting has a truckload of other services worth checking out as well. If the thought of managing your own website makes you nervous, consider their easy one-click install, and their video library with over 160 tutorials to teach you what you need to know to succeed. PLUS, for $12.95 you can buy your own url right there through HostNexus and they’ll link it to your blog when you do that one-click install.

So, to recap, your current free-host service provider could be making thousands of dollars per year off your blog, when the actual cost for them to manage that blog is less than $50.00 per year. You still think you’re getting a good deal where you are?

A Few Host Nexus Features

This was a paid post. The paid links were removed on 10.12.09


  1. Wellllll… the only thing I EVER think about changing is my template… like Jientje I would like to be able to post the larger size pics. But aside from that, I LOVE the Big B – and they are welcome to make money off of me. I don’t get THAT many hits a day – so I don’t think they’re makin’ much!!!
    .-= Melli´s last blog .. =-.

      1. And I DO understand that! I hate “broke”… boy do I hate “broke”! I don’t EVER want to live that life again! BUT… if God has it mind for me… I know he’ll also give me a “plan”… Just like he’s done for you! 😉
        .-= Melli´s last blog ..OY! =-.

  2. Thanks for the info. I’ve been considering launching a different site – not closing mine but doing something different. If/when I ever do I’ll announce it. But it’s good to know what hosts are available and what their features are from some who have used them.
    .-= Barbara H.´s last blog ..A poem for my birthday =-.

    1. Barbara — check out several different sites before you decide. One of the important things for a newby to look for is good support — which Hostnexus does provide.

  3. I am so glad I switched to Self hosted.
    I have many more options, I have my pics with me and only with me.
    Can post as many as I want and and and….
    I don’t regret it.
    My renewal time is up in October and I will choose the same service again/

    I didn’t make as much off my own ads, but with my Sales in my shop it makes it well worth it.
    .-= Nicole´s last blog ..Those days =-.

    1. Nicole — and I can have the templates I want and the widgets I want and no restrictions on how much or how little or who or what or …..

      And I tried that selling my own designs thing. I t didn’t work out so well.

      1. I’m not good with my own templates either.
        Some time back I tried to change a few things in one template, didn’t work out too well 😉
        Now the only thing I change is the header.
        Supposedly b2 is easy, but I’m not so sure 😀

        I might give it a try again in the next few weeks. Nothing to loose. You can always delete the broken one and install the one you just broke, grin 🙂

        And do the whole thing on a testblog somewhere on your system where it doesn’t bug anyone.

        But selling them? Nah, I think the market is full and not worth the effort.

        But one day I want to have a template that’s fast AND has all the features I want it to have.
        Oh well. One can dream, no? 😉
        .-= Nicole´s last blog ..Those days =-.

  4. I had no idea that they were making $$ off my blog… WAYYYYY more money than I do and I do all the work!! I had no idea they put ads on my blog. This is news that doesn’t impress me, very dishonest of them. I did actually at one time buy my own site with a web host. Paid a whole year in advance… then couldn’t use it. I couldn’t figure out how to use the program for doing my blog. Oh, there were loads of instructions, way too many in fact, they overwhelmed me. Every page had sooooo many links to more pages with more links to more pages and more links to more pages and more…. well, you get the picture I’m sure. It felt like it would take 10 years or more of full time studying to figure it all out. So I gave up and just went back to using the old ones. So unless it’s as simple and straight forward as Blogger, I’m afraid I just don’t have the time or energy to go there. Sigh.
    .-= Alice in BC Canada´s last blog ..Stuff…. =-.

    1. Alice — why would they let you blog for free if they weren’t getting something out of it? Benevolence? Think about it! AND, if you can learn WordPress you’ll have no problem setting up your own site. Just make certain you get someone with 24/7 assistance who is willing to work with newbies — like Hostnexus or Thom’s Bert.

  5. I have my own domain and a reasonably-priced hosting service with great help whenever I need it…and still using B after three years! LOL *sigh* Laziness is unfortunately a big motivator…
    Must admit that if I had more time on my hands (and a year-round highspeed connection), I’d be taking you up on this one and finally doing it ‘right’. Makes sense.
    .-= Susan at Stony River´s last blog ..Friday Flash 55, in which "B" is for "Bottle" =-.

    1. Susan — we do what we can with the time we have. I am currently unemployed and have great online access, so “now” made sense to me!

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