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One More Time!

AC has published yet another of my recipes.  This one is a pumkinilicious bit of finger food just in time for Fall and all the seasonal calls for pumpkin recipes.

Amoeba is just so-so about pumpkin and wasn’t keen on my trying this recipe — until he tasted it.  In fact, I made the dish for a potluck that we ended up not attending.  I said something about it being way too much dessert for just the two of us, and Amoeba said he’d take it into the office and let the lab crew devour it.  Then he took a bite.  The lab crew never saw a single crumb of this.  After he tasted it, Amoeba was no longer open to sharing.  In fact, I’m lucky I got any!

No Trick Pumpkin Treats: Like gourmet Pumpkin Pie, only better — and a finger food, too!


    1. Melli — if you read the recipe you know this is fattening with a capital FAT, but it is oh-so-yummy that you won’t care. After you make it, let me know how everybody liked it!

  1. artery buster with cream cheese, butter, and evaporated milk. Not sure if it’s good for me. but maybe, I’ll die happy, who knows? Gimme a bite the next time you are in the Aloha Stadium area. I live less than a mile away. haha!
    .-= gigi-hawaii´s last blog ..eHarmony vs. =-.

  2. Gigi — make it for a huge crowd and everybody eat only 1 piece. That’s what i intended, but that isn’t what happened! 😉

    I live in Kuli’ou’ou and rarely get further Eva that Nuuanu, where my church is.

    1. Bill — it might win you over, too, but I do understand why you don’t want to make it for yourself. And you should have it anyway with your cholesterol issues. Your doc would freak!

    1. Mumma — Which ingredients aren’t available?

      Cool Whip — whipped cream.
      Any pre-spiced pumpkin pie mix should do (30 ounces).
      Cream Cheese? Neufchatel
      Powdered sugar — super finely ground sugar — also known as Confectioner’s Sugar.

      Did that help?

  3. OK, three out of four will help (I’m assuming confectioner’s sugar is known here as icing sugar), but we don’t have pumpkin pie mix AT ALL in Australia. LOL!

      1. I don’t think that we have pie fillings here at all – none that I’ve ever seen. Can you make it with REAL pumpkins? That I can do!

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