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New Furniture, Yipee!

Most of you don’t know this, but Amoeba and I are very light on furniture.  When we lived out in Waianae, our apartment came furnished, and we were content with that.  Then we moved here and we went looking at furniture a few times, but buying just didn’t feel right.  Luckily for us, that now means that moving back home will be less of a hassle.

But one of the first things Amoeba said we’re going to buy when we get to Friday Harbor is new furniture.  Here we did our entertaining outside.  For most of the year that won’t be an option back home.  So, though I am sure the barbecue grill will still get some use, we’ll be needing more indoor furniture than outdoor furniture.   I’ve already started dreaming and planning.

Rossetto BedWhat do you think of this? It is the Alix Platform Bed By Rossetto. I love that tucked leather pattern. The headboard comes in two different heights, 35″ and 43″. I think I like the taller one best.   I also fell in love with a C-shaped leather sectional that would provide the perfect seating for party conversations.    And I found an incredible L-shaped desk with a hutch that I would love to have.  I spend most of my time at my desk anyway.  The best part is, Modern Furniture Warehouse has a price match guarantee and they ship all over the world!

You know, this needing new furniture for a whole house could be a lot of fun!

This was a paid post.  The active links were removed on 10.12.09


  1. I’ll admit that buying new furniture is one of the good things about moving, if we move: our current look is a pile of beat-up hand-me-downs and I’ve just never gotten around to making it better in such an expensive country as this.

    So…. ships all over the world, eh? Thanks for this one!
    .-= Susan at Stony River´s last blog ..Eleven Boxes In the Sideboard =-.

  2. I need new furniture! I’d be happy with just new recliners, but the fact is, we need a whole new sets everywhere! But I’ll settle for the recliners.
    Found you, via Melli.
    .-= Maribeth´s last blog ..Close-Ups! =-.

    1. Marybeth — any friend of Melli’s is a friend of mine! Come back any time. And I would love to have a recliner! Right now Our living room has an entertainment center, a bamboo armchair and a matching glass-topped end table. Period.

    1. Melli — truthfully, I love thinking about shopping, but actually doing it usually stresses me out. If I could do it all online and never have to deal with the crowds I would be content.

  3. Did I hear you mention my name over at Melli’s? LOL!!
    First of all, I may not always comment on a paid post, but that does not mean I did not read them. That said, I really don’t see what it is about this post that would make me nervous? I can totally relate to the fact ( I think already commented about this once) that when you live in a warm country, you tend to live outside a whole lot more, and furniture is not nearly as important as to the people of the North who spend most of their lives inside?

    Making plans for the new place and shopping for furniture is very exciting, you must be thrilled! And that bed looks very comfortable!!!
    .-= Jientje´s last blog ..Birthday Wishes =-.

    1. Jientje — I knew you read the paid posts from time to time. You’ve commented on a couple — and I was pretty sure you’d see your name and zero in on it in Melli’s comments. 😉 I just love to tease!

  4. Lucky you, getting to do the furniture shopping! I like to dream about what I would buy if I could afford to purchase new furniture AND if I had someplace to put it.

    I’d go with the taller headboard. My husband made our bed frame, using 4 tree limbs from a downed tree (after a big storm) for the 4 posts. With the taller/thicker mattresses of today, you can barely see the bedposts anymore. So I would definitely choose a taller headboard.
    .-= kcinnova´s last blog ..WWC #100: Light ‘J’ =-.

    1. Karen — homemade furniture has great personal value. I designed and my ex-father-in-law made much of the furniture of my first marriage. It was beautiful, sturdy and cheap.

  5. Oh – that sounds like fun. My step-brother just moved to the UK and all of the furniture over there has to be assembled. ALL OF IT. He needs to furnish an entire house too. I hope you take the assembly part into consideration. What a pain.
    .-= Church Lady´s last blog ..Fun Monday – My Fur Babies =-.

  6. I’m so out of the loop. I didn’t know you were moving… When? Friday Harbor… wow from Paradise to Paradise. Furniture shopping is fun… Probably taller headboard, though I’d think it might depend on the how the ceilings are in your new place… ???
    .-= Raven´s last blog ..Can’t Afford to Wait…. =-.

  7. Raven — we aren’t moving until after Christmas. We haven’t got a house picked out yet — we have temporary housing waiting for us upon our arrival. And I am pretty certain that a 45″ head board will fit just fine under whatever ceiling I will !

    1. Linda — yes, and we have a wonderful mattress now which is returning home with us! It was made right here in Hawaii by Wu & Sons and is incredible. One of us can have a restless night and spin like a top, but the other can sleep peacefully because the bed doesn’t move! Plus, when I stretch out to sleep, I have perfect support and barely notice the bed at all — which is how it should be!

  8. New furniture is always fun, Did I understand you are buying and having it shipped or are you buying the furniture when you get there. I didn’t completely understand your post. Sorry.
    .-= Bill´s last blog ..Random Dozen Meme =-.

    1. Bill — reread the 1st sentence in paragraph two. When we get to Friday Harbor we will be buying new furniture ….
      (This is a paid post. We already have a wonderful bed, but I really would like the couch and desk!)

  9. I love buying furniture — I don’t like furniture stores. I’m an independent shopper who likes to look around on my own and hate that they come to talk to me every five minutes.

    I’d be hesitant to order it, though, without trying it out. Last time we bought couches there was a wide variety in how comfortable (or not) the various ones were.
    .-= Barbara H.´s last blog ..Well, I never…! =-.

    1. Barbara — when we bought our bed, Amoeba told the sales guy, “We’ve come to buy. If you go away and let us shop in peace, we’ll call you when we decide which one.” He backed off and called off the other sales people, too. We went through the store climbing in and out of the different beds and lounging around until we found the perfect one — then Amoeba called the guy and we bought a bed, a mattress set and the fancy mattress pad.

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